This is a bit of an epic birth story, but with a very happy ending. However, I still have a bit of carpal (sp?) tunnel syndrome, so I am going to apologies for any typos before I start, my fingers still havent caught up with my brain!!!! 8)
22nd May, I had my normal appointment to see my midwife. My blood pressure had been up and down a few times over the last couple of weeks but I was feeling fine when I went this time, so I was quite surprised when she made an appointment at the day unit for me. After a quick trip to MacDonalds, off we trooped to the hospital expecting to spend ½ an hour there before be chucked out for time wasting.
At the Midwife my BP was 150 / 89 which although raised, wasnt the worst thing in the world, unfortunately it climbed to 179/117 when they mentioned the word induction!!!!! They decided to keep me in overnight, put me on BP medicine and see what happens in the morning.
23rd May, my BP was around 95 110 every time they tried it so it was decided at lunchtime that when they had space in the delivery suite they would take me down and induce me. It was really busy but I was eventually taken down around 6.30pm and then waited around for 3 hours before someone came to se me!
I was given a prostaglandin at 10pm and examined 6 hours later, there was no change at all, so they decided to give me another one at 4am, again, 6 hours later, there was no change. The midwife then told me that it was unlikely to work even if they did another one so to expect a C-section. I needed to see the doctor to confirm this, so from 10am until 5pm I had to wait around to be told they were going to give me one more prostaglandin and leave it over night to see what would happen. Was then told that unless a miracle occurs to expect a c-section because baby wasnt engaged at all and my cervix was still high and tight!
At this point I was going to be moved back upstairs to the main ward, Id been on nil by mouth all day, dinner had already been served, and was going to be nil by mouth all the next day as well, so, we snuck out to MacDonalds (I had a thing about the milkshakes when I was pregnant!)
24th May, 6.30 am my waters break! Normaly when waters break, the baby stops a lot of it coming out. My baby was nowhere around to stop it so it just kept coming and coming and coming and coming! Not the best experience of my life.
I just had to keep reminding myself that these people see it all the time and there is nothing to be embarrassed about, until I started relaxing, it was REALLY painful. Didnt hurt at all when I relaxed the thought that at least it wasnt my sheets helped!
They took me back down to delivery and decided they would try the drip, even though the baby wasnt engaged and my cervix was still really high. The midwife argued with the doctor quite loudly, in front of me, telling him it was pointless and that they would make me go for ages and then realize that Id need a section anyway . . . I have a feeling she was psychic!
Started the drip at 12, had my first contraction at 13.30 apparently, it showed on the machine, but I didnt feel anything. In fact, I didnt really feel anything for about 4 hours. I was examined and Id got to 1.5cm dilated! They decided to give me another 4 hours, I was starting to feel them at this point. If I relaxed into them, they were manageable though, so that was good. It got to a point when they werent and I hot the blessed gas and air. I love this stuff! It actually felt like I was having orgasms a couple of times during the night!!!!
The next time I was examined Id got to 3cm dilated. Apparently I cheered at this point!
Anyway . . . to cut a long story short, after 23 hours on the drip at maximum, Id managed to get to 6cm! I was starting to get tired, Id been on gas and air and pethadine, baby was still floating free. They finally decided I was going to have a c-section after all. I was informed later that all I said was Muppets!.
The Section went okay, had a bit of trouble stitching me back up because Id been in labour for so long it had made something really thin to stitch so I was in theater for an extra 30 mins and I couldnt hold Leo until I was out and in recovery.
I stayed in hospital until 27th May, Im now at home, healing well, moving around a fair bit which is getting easier all the time. In a lo of ways Im quite glad I had a section, Id never even considered it before but there were lots of things about giving birth I wasnt looking forward to, and I have bypassed it all, so not too miffed!
22nd May, I had my normal appointment to see my midwife. My blood pressure had been up and down a few times over the last couple of weeks but I was feeling fine when I went this time, so I was quite surprised when she made an appointment at the day unit for me. After a quick trip to MacDonalds, off we trooped to the hospital expecting to spend ½ an hour there before be chucked out for time wasting.

At the Midwife my BP was 150 / 89 which although raised, wasnt the worst thing in the world, unfortunately it climbed to 179/117 when they mentioned the word induction!!!!! They decided to keep me in overnight, put me on BP medicine and see what happens in the morning.

23rd May, my BP was around 95 110 every time they tried it so it was decided at lunchtime that when they had space in the delivery suite they would take me down and induce me. It was really busy but I was eventually taken down around 6.30pm and then waited around for 3 hours before someone came to se me!

I was given a prostaglandin at 10pm and examined 6 hours later, there was no change at all, so they decided to give me another one at 4am, again, 6 hours later, there was no change. The midwife then told me that it was unlikely to work even if they did another one so to expect a C-section. I needed to see the doctor to confirm this, so from 10am until 5pm I had to wait around to be told they were going to give me one more prostaglandin and leave it over night to see what would happen. Was then told that unless a miracle occurs to expect a c-section because baby wasnt engaged at all and my cervix was still high and tight!

At this point I was going to be moved back upstairs to the main ward, Id been on nil by mouth all day, dinner had already been served, and was going to be nil by mouth all the next day as well, so, we snuck out to MacDonalds (I had a thing about the milkshakes when I was pregnant!)

24th May, 6.30 am my waters break! Normaly when waters break, the baby stops a lot of it coming out. My baby was nowhere around to stop it so it just kept coming and coming and coming and coming! Not the best experience of my life.

They took me back down to delivery and decided they would try the drip, even though the baby wasnt engaged and my cervix was still really high. The midwife argued with the doctor quite loudly, in front of me, telling him it was pointless and that they would make me go for ages and then realize that Id need a section anyway . . . I have a feeling she was psychic!
Started the drip at 12, had my first contraction at 13.30 apparently, it showed on the machine, but I didnt feel anything. In fact, I didnt really feel anything for about 4 hours. I was examined and Id got to 1.5cm dilated! They decided to give me another 4 hours, I was starting to feel them at this point. If I relaxed into them, they were manageable though, so that was good. It got to a point when they werent and I hot the blessed gas and air. I love this stuff! It actually felt like I was having orgasms a couple of times during the night!!!!

Anyway . . . to cut a long story short, after 23 hours on the drip at maximum, Id managed to get to 6cm! I was starting to get tired, Id been on gas and air and pethadine, baby was still floating free. They finally decided I was going to have a c-section after all. I was informed later that all I said was Muppets!.

The Section went okay, had a bit of trouble stitching me back up because Id been in labour for so long it had made something really thin to stitch so I was in theater for an extra 30 mins and I couldnt hold Leo until I was out and in recovery.

I stayed in hospital until 27th May, Im now at home, healing well, moving around a fair bit which is getting easier all the time. In a lo of ways Im quite glad I had a section, Id never even considered it before but there were lots of things about giving birth I wasnt looking forward to, and I have bypassed it all, so not too miffed!