

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I have two questions!! I'm worried about the following things and just wondered if anyone knew if they are normal and if anyone elses baby is the same:

Eva's legs are bent - is this normal?? The looked straighter a few weeks ago but the look quite bent again now and i don't know if i should be worried or not.

Also her legs keep going purple and i mean bright purple with really bright pink spots on them!! It disappears after a while though, normally when i change her position. does this mean she has bad circulation? i feel a bit worried about this too.

Thanks in advance for any advise!!

ummm not sure mate... do you stand her on her feet often? i used to with Dior when she was tiny let her stand on my lap and the MW told me not to and it would cause bendy legs
I was gonna say the same as Dionne hun about standing on therir feet too often x
I better stop letting Ella do it then as she's always pulling herself up when holding my hands :oops: Plus she goes in her baby walker, do you think that's bad?
ruben stands up all the time, his legs are straight! mum told me off, but i was told by HV it was an old wives' tale and that it will actually strengthen his legs. same for sitting up early as well apparently. (which is good as ruben sits unaided for short periods now!)

i'm sure her legs will be fine! :D
Baby walkers, along with door bouncers, are not reccomended for babies at all. Please see this link about it. Although written by BLISS, the advice goes from full term babies too.

But I still will be getting Damien a walker, but to use only for short periods and not often in the day. He doesn't use his door bouncer anymore though.
petchy said:
ruben stands up all the time, his legs are straight! mum told me off, but i was told by HV it was an old wives' tale and that it will actually strengthen his legs. same for sitting up early as well apparently. (which is good as ruben sits unaided for short periods now!)

i'm sure her legs will be fine! :D

I was told that too, Seren has always pushed herself up on her legs and now stands by herself whilst holding onto the sofa. She has a door bouncer but is only in it for about 15 mins twice a week. I'm not getting a walker.
i was told not to let B stand with out me taking most of his weight till6.5 months as it will cause banded legs, so he has only just really ben allowed to stand by taking more weight
i stand her on her legs now and then but take all of her weight. she is nosey and likes to look around.

i'm going to hafta stop it altogether i think cos they werent like this a few weeks ago! :roll: i didnt think it would be bad if i take her weight, i'll hafta take oh too.

so do you think the purple colour thing is normal?? :?
is the purple like a speckledy marbled pattern? I ge tthis its nothing to worry about, I heard the midwife telling a lady the other day that it is caused by water retention.

Ella always stands on her legs, from a very young age she'd stand just holding my hands and push herself up from sitting. you would think that it wold strengthen the legs but Im a bit worried now and will ask the HV. not noticed if she has bandy legs Ill check tommorow
i thought baby walkers ect ould be ok as long as they are not putting all their weight on their legs? i used to put Dior in it so only her toes reached the floor?

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