Leeky boobs


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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at 17 weeks? Is it normal? :eh:

I'd noticed a tiny bit of almost creamy liquid sometimes since I was about 14 weeks, but this morning there was actually a wet patch on my jammys and it had ran down my boob! Sorry, TMI :oops: but just wondered if it's normal to have so early? x
at 17 weeks? Is it normal? :eh:

I'd noticed a tiny bit of almost creamy liquid sometimes since I was about 14 weeks, but this morning there was actually a wet patch on my jammys and it had ran down my boob! Sorry, TMI :oops: but just wondered if it's normal to have so early? x

As far as I know its not abnormal hun. I haven't had any leakage yet. You could talk to the MW next time yousee her?

Thanks hun, I just wondered cause I hadn't heard anyone mention it as early before, I expected it to start in the 3rd trimester. Thought I was a freak lol! I will mention it to my MW, I won't see her again until 22 weeks but I will keep it in mind to ask x
Thanks hun, I just wondered cause I hadn't heard anyone mention it as early before, I expected it to start in the 3rd trimester. Thought I was a freak lol! I will mention it to my MW, I won't see her again until 22 weeks but I will keep it in mind to ask x

Sorry I can't be of anymore help, hopefully someone else will know more. I think Lexi started leaking at 24 weeks (I know it was earlish anyway)

x x x x
I think there was a thread about this not long ago. I've not had any leakage but recall that it varies a lot and I'm sure it's absolutely normal hun and nothing to worry about. x
Thanks for finding that thread jodie :) good to know I'm not the only one then! Feels wierd that I'm not even showing yet and my boobs are leaking already lol.. Just realised I've spelt leeky in the title as in leek the vegetable instead of leak haha oops xxx
Well i had never experienced this until today. This morning i was sitting about in my pj's and my OH pointed out a mark on my top, right at my boob. It was a round dried in mark and then there were some more dotted around. I said 'uch i probably just spilled my tea' lol then looked at my other boob and that had some too. I got all embarrassed but my OH was telling me its nothing to get embarrassed about lol xx
That made me lol, you thinking it was your tea!

My leaky boobs freak me out a little bit haha suppose i will need to get used to it x
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It freaked me out a bit too. And then my OH started asking questions like 'so where exactly does it come out the nipple'
I dont bloody know ive never had leaky boobs before hahahaha xx
So you are zooma, didn't realise how close together we were! I first noticed a tiny bit a couple of weeks ago but I didn't notice them actually leak until now! I hope it doesn't happen when I'm at work or out and about haha!

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