learn from my mistake please!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i was practically pooping myself this morning i had a fright! i kno some of y'all might just think im dumb and its common sense but just in case i wanna warn people not to do similar things!

awhile ago our cat had a bad water infection and wouldnt use his litter tray. we have a huge one with walls, a roof and a flap, so to encourage him we took the lid off and its been off since.

also we bought him this water fountain to encourage him to drink more

well i was making a cup of tea and i could hear this fizzing sound. i looked around and i saw out of the plug socket where the water fountain was plugged in was fizzing and little firey sparks were coming out of it! it looked like it was gonna catch fire! at first i thought i'd put a rubber glove on and switch it off but then i remembered i read somewhere that rubber gloves would be pretty useless at insulating high voltage, i was on my own with millie so i was thinking what if i electrocute myself and it sets on fire and i cant save millie! :(
this is the litter tray and said power point

anyway my brain clicked into gear and i switched off the mains instead! then after a while i went to inspect, i switched it off, and pulled out the cable- it was wet! and then i noticed a wet line up the side of the litter tray where the cat had pissed over the side- and obviously right onto the power point! it didnt look that bad but it smelled really bad- not of piss just burnt!

needless to say that litter tray lid is going back on. and we shall replace the cable! iv given him just a normal water bowl today
Oh dear, good that the cat hasn't electrocuted himself. Glad that you managed to sort it, I'd have panicked.
Yeh I think you should relocate the litter tray ! not worth therisk to you , or your cat or your home !

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