leaky boobies??


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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haha ok, so just wondered if there is a certain time that your boobs start leaking from? if you dont start leaking can you still breast feed? and also, my boobs havent actually got bigger.....well about a half size adn thats it....and so wondering if they are actually doing what they are meant to in there......Anwyay if that is just a ridiculous questions please say haha but i have NO idea as to what to expect.....

hey! mine started leaking very early on at like 10 weeks, but havent been leaking much anymore, im sure you will be fine with breast feeding and stuff, every person is different! x
im sure your all good hun and that your little one will be munching on them boobs in no time :D
Mine have only just started leaking between 38 and 39 weeks...I don't know why but freaked me out! They only leak when they are stimulated though. Mine haven't grown any more since first trimester when they exploded!
I haven't noticed mine leakin yet in this pregnancy but did notice what looked like a bit of dried milk on the side of my nipple yesterday tmi lol.
Anyway,with my other pregnancies I only noticed my nipples were leakin cos of dried patches on my sheet,usually about the of a marble,sometimes a lot bigger. But it never woke me up or anythin,must have just have been when I turned in bed and a bit leaked iykwim xx
I've had no leakiness yet (oddly hoping for some just to prove my boobs will actually work when required!! lol) and have also not gone up a proper bra size yet. All the books I'm reading though say that ability to bf is nothing to do with size - the milk ducts are there whatever so I'm hoping I'm not gonna get too many problems.
thanks girls.....makes me feel a little more comforted.....lol.....i dont know why i want them too cos i think it will freak me out too!!! ah welll, ill be happy now nd not complain xx

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