leaking boobs


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
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i knew it was going to happen at some point, and i know this is silly but its disturbing me. theyre not sore or anything just a bit tingly and leaking bits here and there. im walking round like im ill or something holding my boobs.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I still find it freaky! Mine don't leak a huge amount but in the evenings they tend to leak a little. At first i walked around holding my boobs too and i was really paranoid. I don't care so much now. Lol.
Definately a strange feeling though!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh my! I didn't realise that started so early! I wake up smetimes with a very small bit of crusty milk (at least I assume thats what it is) right on my nipple, but does it like, proper leak?

Does it start that soon for everyone, or is it a bit like morning sickness where not everyone gets it?

edit: by me for really BAD spelling!
well i just looked it up actually and the site i was looking at said it can happen between 14 and 16 weeks for some women.

it did also say it might happen with some and not others.
I've just looked down to see a small wet patch on my nightie (TMI, sorry) :oops:
I'm not wearing a bra so i dont have anything to pop breast pads in. grrrr. lol
mine have been leaking loads the last week or so, I soak everything I wear :rotfl:
Ok, you've talked it up! Mine are leaking more now than they ever have done before!!!!
mine don't leak much when I'm wearing a bra just when they hang loose. Hubby things it's great and likes pointing it out :rotfl:
yeh my OH finds it amusing. He likes to ask whether i'm wearing breast pads. Lol.
He also finds it a bit creepy i think.lol
mine hates milk, any kind of milk so the fact its gonna be leaking from my body parts turns his stomach. he does laugh a bit though
hehe its weird isn't it? mine started leaking a feww weeks ago. It's so odd to have liquid come out of places liquid has never come out of before! Nice though, its what our boobies were made for :clap:
ive been lucky ive not leaked yet.....but now ive just jinxed myself and will prob start leak loads later!!!!!

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