Right so we had our appointment today. It was to be frank...just awful! We saw a nice lady when we went in who showed her a load of pictures of again, put some funky shades on her with a black out on each eye. I and they definitely believe now that her vision is impaired in her right eye. She got so upset when we covered her good eye and was absolutely fine when covering her bad eye. That was fine, then we were told to wait in another waiting room for the eye drops to be put in. 30 mins we had to had to wait for that in a packed waiting room with no seats, needless to say Phoebe got bored and quite upset rather quickly! Not even Peppa Pig on my phone did the trick.
She wasn't too bad with the eye drops, just squirmed a bit but no tears, hurrah! Then another 30 minute wait (which turned into 40) because it takes 30mins for the drops to dilate the pupils.
And then it just went completely awry tbh, we were then seen by a young doctor who was trying to put lenses in front of her eyes and shine a light in them. But Phoebe wouldn't cooperate, she was still upset from the waiting I think, but she was getting hysterical and he just kept persisting, like he wouldn't even give me chance to try and calm her down and didn't even speak to her! He then went and fetched a senior doctor who again didn't even speak to Phoebe, said nothing reassuring whatsoever and then told me to sit her on my lap, lean her backwards so her head was on his lap and restrain her arms
and he was trying to force her eye open!!! She was so distressed she threw up all over him and then he went and tried again and she threw up over him again
it was just horrific! At that point I said no more!
They've said they will re book us an appointment asap! And have given us some drops to put in at home beforehand to save waiting time but it says we have to put them in twice a day for 2 days before the apt?
He also said that they'd try one more time and if she doesn't cooperate next time they'll have to do it under general anaesthetic
but then went on to say 'but we never normally have to do that!' Smug git!!!
So we left with me in tears, Phoebe in tears, covered in sick and shaking!
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