Lazy cow?!

mum's the word

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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Anyone else having a really lazy day (make me feel better). I haven't been out of the door, washed up, brushed my hair, tidied up or anything. Just doing some pasta for lunch and that was a chore. Shame it's so sunny cos I feel guilty having days like this when sun is shining!
Me!!! Tias off school as its a bank holiday thing with all the schools... so shes doing homework, lil miss finally passed out since being up at 6am, so its all quiet here :) gotta make lunch but we ran out of bread and the shops are all shut... thought DH could pick some up on his way home but hes decided to stay at work... so its oven pizza for everyone... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
im having a very lazy day as well, didnt get dressed till little while ago, been up since about 6 but just been watching tv and doing literally nothing lol,

so now im bored. what can i do? :think:
yup me too :) neither me nor aiden are dressed, we are both still in jammies :oops: :lol: we're going to get dressed soon though and tidy up his bedroom :D xxx
I'm going to be a NERD :shock: and wash the kitchen & bathroom floor, wash dishes, hoover, polish(maybe) and do about 4 loads of washing!

*IF* I can get off the internet lol :lol:
most of you can be lazy as you are pregnant, i have no excuse at all :wall: :lol:
Iv made bottles, changed a few nappys... and got dressed! Thats it. Iv sat on the internet, iv watched tele... im a lazy cow :D
:dance: Hooray to the lazy cows :dance: !
Boo to the nerd who's going to make her house presentable :shakehead:
Send me some energy please, i can't even be arsed to pick up the post from the doormat! What would my ever so houseproud MIL think?! :eek:
I dont plan on doing too much today.
So far got up first thing and dropped OH off then got home made Calleigh her breakfast, then she had a little nap and now i am off to make her dinner.
So thats all i have done today.

Note i have plenty of things that need doing, ironing, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen but i really cant be arsed i want to :sleep:
I'm still in my pj's! I had a terrible night so i had an hour on the settee with Angel, til OH woke me by taking a picture!!! I just stuck her in a sleepsuit and he's taken her out for a little while. I may jump in the shower. Not even had any lunch!
I've had so many lazy days i thought i should get off my lazy backside and do something.

So... i went to an NCT meet where noone turned up (literally noone.. not even the woman doing it ), i then cleaned the bathroom floor managing to knock the toilet brush and holder which had a little bit of bleach in the bottom over onto the carpet, Also found it a bit hard getting off my hands and knees. I then hoovered the stairs and made scambled eggs on toast. Im then going to hoover the downstairs and maybe mop the floors.. all this should have been done by my OH yesterday so im kinda making a point!

This is all in between posting on here of course.. one job these days takes all day!

Claire x
I'm still in my pj's...... :oops:

Got up and did some worksheets and project work with DD but that was whilst we were lounging on the couch together!

I'll get myself sorted in 10 minutes.....(yeah, I've been saying that ALL day....)

Just can't seem to get motivated at all.
I'm still in my pj's too..... but I have been super good with my cleaning today.

I have -

*changed the beds, cleaned/dusted/put away clothes in both our bedroom and Arianna's.
*washed the rug from Arianna's bedroom, which is now hanging out on the line
*emptied the dishwasher and put in the breakfast and lunch dishes
*put on a chicken casserole into the slow cooker
*put some more of my xmas shopping out into the garage away from snooping eyes (arianna! :roll: )
*sprayed all the bathroom tiles with bleach, which is doing it's magic just now while I have a cuppa and then I will go in and rinse it all down

Once Arianna is in bed I will mop all the floors - as if I do it now she thinks it is great fun to run and slide on the wet laminate flooring :roll: :)

And then, after all that, I am going to have a long relaxing soak in the bath, put on new jammies, which I already have on the towel radiator so they are all cosy :dance:
SarahH said:
I'm still in my pj's too..... but I have been super good with my cleaning today.

I have -

*changed the beds, cleaned/dusted/put away clothes in both our bedroom and Arianna's.
*washed the rug from Arianna's bedroom, which is now hanging out on the line
*emptied the dishwasher and put in the breakfast and lunch dishes
*put on a chicken casserole into the slow cooker
*put some more of my xmas shopping out into the garage away from snooping eyes (arianna! :roll: )
*sprayed all the bathroom tiles with bleach, which is doing it's magic just now while I have a cuppa and then I will go in and rinse it all down

Once Arianna is in bed I will mop all the floors - as if I do it now she thinks it is great fun to run and slide on the wet laminate flooring :roll: :)

And then, after all that, I am going to have a long relaxing soak in the bath, put on new jammies, which I already have on the towel radiator so they are all cosy :dance:

:shock: please come live with me :pray:

:rotfl: :lol:
SarahH said:
I'm still in my pj's too..... but I have been super good with my cleaning today.

I have -

*changed the beds, cleaned/dusted/put away clothes in both our bedroom and Arianna's.
*washed the rug from Arianna's bedroom, which is now hanging out on the line
*emptied the dishwasher and put in the breakfast and lunch dishes
*put on a chicken casserole into the slow cooker
*put some more of my xmas shopping out into the garage away from snooping eyes (arianna! :roll: )
*sprayed all the bathroom tiles with bleach, which is doing it's magic just now while I have a cuppa and then I will go in and rinse it all down

Once Arianna is in bed I will mop all the floors - as if I do it now she thinks it is great fun to run and slide on the wet laminate flooring :roll: :)

And then, after all that, I am going to have a long relaxing soak in the bath, put on new jammies, which I already have on the towel radiator so they are all cosy :dance:

Show off! :lol:

I have:

*had a wee
*had some blueberry juice (poured it myself)
*put my yoghurt carton in the bin
*put all the catalogues and magazines i was looking at into a neat pile

PHEW :wink: don't know how I fit it all in!
I am also being a lazy cow - it's DD's full day at nursery on Mondays and I really should use it to catch up with the housework I haven't been able to do but instead I've been on here and watched the F1 again!! :lol:
April and I are still in our PJs!!! April is poorly today so we cancelled all our groups and have been snoozing and watching TV. We had a two hour nap this morning and just woke up from another two hour one now! The house is a mess and I haven't even thought about cooking yet - but I have managed to feed the baby (what little she'll eat being ill :( ) and I made myself a crumpet and a cuppa! I am feeling all snuggly and wintery as the weather is all dark and rubbish out.
I haven't done much. We did walk to the shops but that's about it! Every day is a lazy day for me! Though i've just remembered that I meant to wash the towels today.
The novelty of being Waynetta slob has worn off! Liam and Ricky want their tea NOW! OH is due home and the place is a bomb site, the washing is still wet, there's 100 things to do before bedtime and I feel annoyed with myself for not doing more.
MUST try harder tomorrow, internet BANNED!

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