Laying on tummy


Jul 18, 2018
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So usually this is a post you would see in first/second trimester however, do any of you ladies struggle to lay on your tummy? Like you're really full or bloated. I've been so unconfy the past few nights lying on my belly! It's usually the position I fall asleep in. AF is due but no sign ATM, my body has been crazy lately so not looking much into late AF
I'm a stomach sleeper. Right before I got my BFP (maybe 6dpo?) it was pretty uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. Like all my muscles just felt too pulled to stretch out into that position, if that makes sense. It eased off around the time I missed AF though so I guess it could go either way. I hope its a positive sign for you! x

Side note - if you usually sleep on your stomach, try and train yourself to sleep on your side BEFORE you get pregnant if you can. Its been all kinds of hell for me trying to sleep on my side and dealing with pregnancy symptoms at night!
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I'm a stomach sleeper. Right before I got my BFP (maybe 6dpo?) it was pretty uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. Like all my muscles just felt too pulled to stretch out into that position, if that makes sense. It eased off around the time I missed AF though so I guess it could go either way. I hope its a positive sign for you! x

Side note - if you usually sleep on your stomach, try and train yourself to sleep on your side BEFORE you get pregnant if you can. Its been all kinds of hell for me trying to sleep on my side and dealing with pregnancy symptoms at night!

Thanks for the reply. I can't remember being uncomfortable early on with my DD or DS, you're right I best get some practice in!

To be honest I think it's gonna be AF very tender boobs and sorry for TMI but also loose stools today !!
I struggle to sleep on my stomach full stop :D my left side is my comfiest position and I find it prevents indigestion.

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