Late period...Help Please!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Me and my fiance` are TTC. My AF was due yesterday and I still have seen anything yet!! I have some cramping and a more than usauall amount of discharge today. Can anyone tell me if this could be pregnancy signs? I will be testing tomorrow morning so wish us luck!!
could be hun, the only way to know is to test, good luck tomorrow hun, hope you get a BFP!!!!!!
Thank you!! Im soo excited but I just dont wanna get my hopes up!! But hopefully the signs are pointing to BFP!!!!
even though i only came off the pill over a month ago and have had a period - i SHOULD have come on around 2 weeks ago now BUT havent - i know coming off the pill can bugger your cycle up BUT i have been having alot of discharge (sorry if TMI) :oops: - is this because of me coming off the pill, i have also been VERY VERY moody - my mum and DF on the backhand of it all!!! sowwi mum and Danny :hug: :hug: :hug:
I tested this morning with E.P.T and got a neg. :( Does anyone have any advise for me. I was due for AF on Sunday, shouldnt it be showing BFP by now?
Ok girls. Still no AF but have had some very light spotting when going to the bathroom..TMI. sorry. Can someone please please please give me some advise on when I should re test or if anyone knows what could be happening? Do u think its a baby?!!!!
Home Pregnancy Tests are supposed to be like 99% accurate hun, so if you have had BFN and a little spotting chances are that your just experiencing a late AF, the other common thing is to have a non viable embryo which means that between the point of fertilisation and the moment the egg attachs to your womb your body is aware that there is a problem so the egg doesn't attach or develop instead it comes out as a normal af just a little late.
This is a hugely common occurence and most people don't even know it's happened, and it doesn't effect your chances of getting a BFP in your next cycle.
Hope you are Ok Hun x
That really upsets me. We want a baby soo bad. We just thought maybe it was too early for the test. Thank u for the advise though. I didnt know about that.
Just crashing really - but wanted to say that when we were trying I got 6 BFN's after AF was due - and look what we had 5 weeks ago!
It is possible to test neg when you are pregnant, but a BFP is always a BFP!

Good luck!
Thank you sooo much!! That brings my hopes up. I went to the Dr. today and she said that I should normally wait for 2 weeks after AF is late. I'm only 4 days late so we still have a chance!! No Af as of 6:20 pm on 1-25-06!! Cross ur fingers and say a prayer for us!!! :pray:
Ok girls. New Update. My boobs started to get soar today and my discharge got a little heavier. sorry..TMI! But still no AF. Anyone wanna give their opinion for me?!! I would appreciate all the help I can get.

I had increased cm before i got my bfp. so there is still hope. if you still have no sign of af why don't you buy a clear blue i got a really strong early result with them.

keep us posted

Thanx Kirsty!!! I tried EPT a few days ago and got a BFN :(. Do u think Clear blue is better? Im going to try again tomorrow morning
what are epu?

i got my clearblue result 10 days before my period was due and it was in the middle of the day!

it was a strong line and appeared really fast.

thought dp was going to be waiting for me outside tesco toilets for ages while i sat squinting for a line!
I tried EPT not But I still have no AF and the end of the month is here. I did do a Clear Blue last week and it was the digital ones and said Not Pregnant. Im thinking that maybe I OV'd later than I thought and maybe it is still just too early to tell. My boobs have started to get sore and I taste a slight blood taste in my mouth. TMI..sorry!! Let me know what u girls think.
I still thnk you could be! (Sorry keep coming back to check ifyou have posted!)
I found the Tesco tests were great and also bought a pack from ebay (20 for £5!!) Used all of the just to reassure myself I actually was pregnant!

Good luck.... thinking of you

x x x
Thank you for checking!!! I really appreciate the support that we can get on this forum. It makes waiting a lot easier!!! I think I will try another test this next weekend. Why do u think I am soo late for AF and still getting all of these BFN's?? I getting frusterated and really confused!! lol..But I'm still praying!! :pray:

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