Late Ovulation..


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
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I've worked out the average cycle length over the last 6 months and they are on average 28 days. They've varied from being 16 days to 32 days on my last cycle.

I normally ovulate around d19, I know what to look out for now after my last pregnancy and only use the OPK to confirm that I should be ovulating when I get the EW cm.

Day 19 came and went, without any sign of fertile fluid, no ov pains etc. All this last week I had EW CM but kept getting negatives on the ov test.

Curiosity got the better of me so I thought I'd carry on doing the tests just to see if I did get a + or whether it was just one of those months that I don't ovulate.

Lo and behold, expecting my AF anytime now and I got a + ov test yesterday and today!

So my cycle will be the longest ever this month. I've not been stressed or ill to cause a delay in ovulation. It's really weird.

Has anybody else experienced this?
i have heard that ovulation tests work as prengnacy tests so is there any chance your pregnant??

other than that i think its possible to ovulate late x
Hi, no defo not pg as I had a period last month and I had negative results earlier in the week with me ov tests.

Puzzled as to why it's so late this month.

im no sure then hun, if you can id be bd'ing just in case :hug:

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