Late ovulation possibility?


Apr 28, 2012
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Was wandering if I could bend your ears on something.. I'm a little confused!!
So, I am generally 29-31 day cycle with O cd 16/17. This month I had EGCM for 4/5 days from cd16-20 ish. My husband has been working away and the only day we dtd was cd 20 and I assumed I would be out this month as we would have missed O. Well I'm now confused as to my EWCM and having it for 4 days (which is unusual for me.. usually 2 days) and so Im wandering if I could have late O. I still have not had af (although for 3 days Ive had af signs but nothing as yet). Going on my 'usual' cycle, I would have been due af 2 days ago but if I did O late then I would be due Fri/Sat. I have tested the last couple days and this morn with FMU but all BFN. Surley if I was preg it would show up by now?? Sorry for the confusing thread.. Im usually quite regular so Im all of a dither!!

Sam xx
hiya, its is quite possible you could of oved later x
I was due af between fri and yesterday but still no sigh and still bfn x

give it a another week maybe and if af hasnt show test again xx
Thank you for your reply peach.. I think I am over thinking everything as generally I'm quite predictable in my cycle but on the same hand Ive only really started to pay attention to it in the last few months so whilst I always thought I was very regular I might not have been as regular as I thought. One thing I do know though is that I have EWCM for 2 days around O so thought it strange that it lastest longer this month - and also if EWCM for 4 days.. which day would I have O'd?! Im also more confused as with my prev two pregs I had +ve tests from 10/11dpo so Im not hopeful now I am showing BFN at this stage. Having said that my last pregs were 9 and 6 years ago so maybe things have changed for me?! Dear me, seems I'm complicating things when I should just sit back and see what happens I guess!

Good luck for a BFP! When will you test again?

hiya im afraid i dont know much about ewcm x
I got very early bfp with my ds 2 and ds 3.
Other than being pregnant or on contriceptive I have never been late for my af x

were holding out till saturday then I feel if af doest arrive by monday I will develop a pee on a stick obbsesion ha ha
hmmm, I just hate the hanging around not knowing and then second guessing everything. I'm trying not to become obsessive but its hard!! I have one more superdrug hpt which I will do Sat morn which will be 14 days from when we dtd (if af hasnt appeared before!!) I know the poas obssession only too well!!

Wishing you good luck :D
I know the hanging around is the hardest bit x

I have one first responce but am saving it untill sat I am determend to lol

wishing you lots of luck also xx

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