last resort (sleepy)


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2005
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this was our last resort we just couldn't get him to stop crying and he was in so much pain with his reflux i bought this swing and this is the result he slept for 2 hours upright with a little help from his hand holding his head :D poor little mite was shattered :)

Matthew Jay in his new swing fast asleep

How sweet :lol:

Thats great. He looks like a little old man!! Glad he got some sleep :lol:
aw, bless... reminds me of before ruben got medication for his reflux, he'd only sleep upright so i ended up carrying him in mu baby carrier all the time! glad he got some sleep, and hope he can get some medication for his reflux (ruben is on cimetidine, he's not in any pain anymore at all and was a different child within 24hrs of going on it, might be worth asking your GP)

he's a cutie!
Awww bless him, I bet you're so relieved that you found something that works, and I bet he's glad of a bit of kip lol.

He looks so cute I could eat him :D
aww bless his little cotton socks, he looks so cute
thanx all matthew is going back to the Dr tomorrow to be checked so i'll ask about the medicine thanx but for now he's once again fast asleep in his swing and i get to have a few hours at least until he wakes and i have to carry him upright to feed him then try to settle him upright back to sleep again :(

not really easy when acid is rising :(
bless him Dior was just the same with refulx would only fll asleep over my sholder, but it also worked puting a pillow under her mosses basket so it was tilted at the angle
I keep coming back to this thread to have another look at that pic, it's so cute! I would definately get it put up on the wall :D
lol awww bless him!

thats so cute :)

i just printed it out and framed it and your right it looks great :D

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