Last growth scan


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Been in today to have another growth scan. They weren't able to measure blumps head because of the position he was in (has been on 90th percentile since 20 weeks) but they were able to measure his tummy. It's still quite a bit above the 90th percentile! :shock:

Mw also said that my fluid has very slightly increased, which at this point should apparently be decreasing. (I've not heard of the fluid increasing before, so don't really know what it means) They said it isn't a lot and it could be because bigger babies go to the toilet more??

So because of this, I had some bloods taken again today. They are checking my thyroid again (it was overactive at the start of my pregnancy, then went back to normal) and also checking my sugar levels for gd again. (I had the gd test done at 28 weeks but came back fine) Really hoping everything comes back normal!!

They also checked to see if he has engaged yet and no such luck, still just floating around, though he is still head down so at least in the right direction!!

Think I'm in for the long run, he's just too comfy in there (probably going to go over as boys can be stubborn!!!) :wall2::lol: Back to see them on my due date, for a check up.

Feeling uncomfortable and I have cankles, my feet are so swollen.
I hope all your tests come back okay :) did you get some pics?
your cankles will soon go after birth dont worry :) just put ur feet up and relax
Im not sure on the fluid increasing.. be good to see what it means etc.. let us know :)
im getting bankels!!! ha ha hope your results are ok x
Hope your tests come back ok. You never know he might just decide to get a move on and not be late!
Hi Sassy,
What were your measurments (no worries if you don't want to divuldge). I had a growth scan at 37+2 and they were as follows:
BPD - 98mm
HC - 349mm
AC - 347mm
FL - 75mm
Est Weight - 3647 gms
Amniotic fluid - 20cm, deepest pool 7.7cm.

How do they compare?
Hi Sassy,
What were your measurments (no worries if you don't want to divuldge). I had a growth scan at 37+2 and they were as follows:
BPD - 98mm
HC - 349mm
AC - 347mm
FL - 75mm
Est Weight - 3647 gms
Amniotic fluid - 20cm, deepest pool 7.7cm.

How do they compare?

Don't mind indulging at all, they haven't done all the above measurements today, so will fill in as much as I can, as also had growth scan at 28 and 34 weeks.

BPD - not been done at any of my scans
HC - today - unobtainable due to fetal lie
34 weeks - 328.9mm
AC - today - 370.6mm,
34 weeks - 329mm
FL - not done today,
34 weeks - 65.8mm
Est Weight - they won't tell me as say it can be very inaccurate - I keep asking as would like an idea
Amniotic fluid - today - 20.3
34 weeks - 15.2
28 weeks - 20. (so was decreasing 3 weeks ago and now gone back up)

Did they say much to you about your measurements? So worried its my diet causing his tummy and head to be big or that there is something wrong with him.

On a side note, I currently have my feet in a foot soak of cold water, never seen them so swollen, its funny to look at lol
They said that mine were all over the 97%ile and that he was just a big baby, but nothing to worry about and that my fluid was borderline, again nothing to worry about. I want to give birth in the local midwife unit, but it's not looking likely although they do say the will take me up to 40 weeks, which is Sunday, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed, have my third and final sweep booked on Saturday.

I was worried that it was my diet. I don't usually eat sweet things, but had major cravings from 34 weeks. Put at least a stone and a half on in three weeks. But, i was only having a biscuit here and there and maybe a slice of cake and a couple of pieces of fruit. I can't say I went mental plus i'm keeping up my exercise. I've tried to cut it out in the past few weeks, but haven't been able to completely.

My feet and hands have been very swollen and they say that is a symptom of having excess fluid. But they have been a bit better in the last couple of weeks. I have another scan on Tuesday when they will take the same measurements - if the fluid has gone up, or he is very much bigger, i will be induced next week. I will keep you posted. When is your next scan booked for?

Did they say much to you about your measurements? So worried its my diet causing his tummy and head to be big or that there is something wrong with him.

On a side note, I currently have my feet in a foot soak of cold water, never seen them so swollen, its funny to look at lol[/QUOTE]
Hope you don't mind me adding my measurements for comparison tomo :)
Of course not jayceesmumma :)

Franna, they haven't booked me in for another scan, just to go in for check up on due date, not sure what that will entail. My midwife is now on holiday so I'm not seeing her for the next 2 weeks either, which kinda worries me as I'm having such a worry with all this now. Sat and cried on OH last worrying that something is wrong with blump, didn't help that I had done some 'research' on why amniotic fluid can increase, bloody Internet has a lot to answer for!!

Let me know how you're next scan goes and hope your next sweep goes well, they did say to me that they would rather not induce, but will see how it goes..... Want to hold off til sept but also want him here now so that I know he's ok!

hi sassysugar

im being thick and nosey, did they say he was big baby very earl on? is that why you have growth scans ?

In my experience don't take no for an answer. I had to ask for the first scan and the sweeps. They weren't going to give me a growth scan at 37 weeks, it was going to be at 41, so I rang another department of the hospital, they said not until 39 weeks. I kept refusing to take that answer and finally got one at 37.2. It made a difference between going to the Birthing Centre or not. I do more of a pleading and whinging than a "give it to me now" approach :)

The more the merrier on comparing stats. I think it helps to know others that have similar readings. My baby was showing as average stats at 24 weeks, so must have had a huge growth spurt. I did notice my bump go from normal to massive. Dont want to think about the fluid, i've read a couple of things and start to worry too.

I'll keep you posted...good luck everyone :)x
Suzzi, I had an overactive thyroid at the start of my pregnancy so they had booked me in for growth scan at 28 weeks for a check up. The thyroid issue corrected itself but they kept my appointment and it was then that blumps head and abdominal circumference were noted to be high on the chart so ended up with more growth scans.

I've been stressing myself over the amniotic fluid issue so decided to call the assessment centre there, going to start a new thread about it, but I've been asked to go in to see them, don't think I was told everything yesterday :cry:

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