Last Feed - Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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At the moment I give my LO her last feed at 10pm while she is asleep, her normal bed time is around 8pm after her 7.30ish feed. I only do this as a top up, she normally then wakes up around 5am for her feed.

Do you think I should cut out the 10pm feed and just let her sleep?
If she doesn't wake up then its a dream feed and I'd keep doing it for now otherwise you could find yourself up for a wide awake feed at 3am!
10-5 is amazing wish my baby would lol...i would say feed what u feel is best..personally i wouldnt disrupt the routien its working well for you.
I feed my little girl normally 8/9 and then a top up about 10ish when I go to bed and she will then sleep through until 5/6am :cheer:

If I dont give her the top-up she is wide awake and hungry by 2/3am and it can take me up to an hour to get her off again.

Hope thats of some help?
Thanks, this has helped, it is working fine for me as we go to bed straight after ther 10pm feed but I thought I might be going wrong somewhere thats why I ask.
you should never think you are going wrong as what works for one person might not work for another, i never dreamed fed Willow but only because i had never heard of it until willow was older lol.
if dream feeding her at 10 works then i say keep doing it.

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