LARP, Board/table-top games, Video games, etc.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
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Just wondering if any of the mums out there have similar interests to me?

I LARP, which stands for Live Action Role-Play, easiest way to describe is its like video games, but you dress up and free-play the characters.

I love boardgames, particularly things like Munchkin, Zombies, The Resistance Avalon, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne as well as the more classic games Trivial Pursuit and Monopoly.

I have also started dabbling in table-top games, but can't really name any I have been very involved with, I played the newest revision of Dungeons & Dragons recently.

Video games are something I have been neglecting, but I do love them, PC & Xbox 360 are my preferred platforms, but I do dabble in Nintendo consoles and older PS consoles.

Game wise, its mostly fantasy/scifi/horror based games which interest me, Bioshock, Gears of War, Fable, Dead Space, Amnesia, World Of Warcraft, Black & White, Saints Row 2, etc.

I know its a long shot, but I thought I would inquire at least... ;)
I'm a big fan of board games, particularly Ascension and arkham based games (elder sign, elderitch horror) etc.

Not a table top or computer game fan, but I did used to LARP, many, many years ago!

Thats kewl, My friends has Eldrich Horror which hes lent us, but we havent had a chance to play it yet! Also my friend has recently opened a shop dedicated to gaming of the board, card and table-top kind :)

Oh kewl, which LARP did you used to do? Mine has been on hiatus for the past 5 months, first game of the year is Feb but for obvious reasons I'm gonna have to be non-com ;)
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I play wow and gw2 at the moment, I even met my husband on wow lol :x
Gamer here :)

Not played much recently with DD and uni taking up most of my time (studying my final year in Computer Games Development) and being pregnant :lol:

But big into my PC games, used to play WoW, AoC, Darkfall Online, Rift etc and waiting impatiently for Elder Scrolls Online in April

Love games like civilisation and settlers on my computer. Do have wow however i've not layed it much.

Over the xmas period my hubby and I bought to board games (Lord of the Rings Risk and the hobbit board game). Hubby and I both enjoy board games and I have loads of others in the house.
Hi. I ised to play WoW a lot I was guild master of a fairly well known guild on my server. BUt I gave that up years ago. I still like the odd GW. Me and hubby play munchkin when we have enough head space and we also like D&D we listen to a podcast called critical hit weekly and that is totally amazing! But yea I'm going to throw my hands up and say I'm of the geeky persuasion and all. Fortunately so is my OH!
I love my Xbox 360. But over the past month I haven't really been playing it much, which is strange for me ha ha. I usually play co op games or shooters and was pretty addicted to PSU on the 360 before the servers were shut down. I'd love to play more board game but sadly there aren't any people I know to play with, which is a shame as I was thinking of getting the Discworld board game. So it's just monopoly with my in laws on rare occasions.
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gamer here :D

Xbox 360 is what i normally play, with horrors and FPS being my favourite :D
So pleased I'm not alone :) video games have taken a bit a back seat of late. Hoping once I'm not living with my mum and in my own house that I'll have more freedom to do what I want when I want (ie, cleaning and sorting is always on her terms.. :/ )
When you have your own place cleaning and sorting becomes your life lol.
Me and my oh love gears of war. We have all of them and have played each one about 10 times. I remember when I was pregnant on a weekend we would sit for hours playing and have a few plates of nibbles (mozzarella sticks, spring rolls, chicken dippers, potato and ham mini crochets) lol. When we had played these a few too many time we then started army of 2, which is alright but much prefer GOW. Though once lo arrive we haven't had even nearly as much time to play. I made up our own monopoly board with everything relevant to us. Anyway I've babbled enough just thought I'd share with you lol xx
I'm a gamer too! Each time we'd get a negative month I'd have a little splurge on Steam and Humble Bundles. Not spent a penny since our positive but have plenty to get through!

I'm really into Civ and Don't Starve right now, even my mum is a Don't Starve fanatic. I have an Xbox360 but I'm only really using it for The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. Really wish I'd bought a PS3, I miss Naughty Dog so much.

I really wish I'd been able to take part in things like DnD but I never really ended up in the right social groups plus I got really sick as a teenager which put a serious cramp in my style. The best I get now is Yogscast DnD (their Yogpod DnD is disastrously funny) and I'm planning on starting Roll Play on itmeJP when I'm huge or maybe during midnight feedings :) I watch Let's Plays too. Such a nerd.

Best game I've ever played: Silent Hill 2
Favourite console: PS2
Favourite PC Game: Civ (though the amount of hours I put into Theme Hospital and the original Sims back in the day...)
Favourite Genre: Used to be horror but right now I like odd games like Papers Please and The Yawgh, not really a genre but there's so many exciting things happening in the indie scene
Least Favourite Genre: FPS Shooty McShooter Person Extreme
Favourite GTA: GTA: Vice City. What I'd give for an HD remake. With climbing and swimming.
I am a gamer aswell.
Love my xbox360, but only pay boring games on there like minecraft. Which I actually play together with my son. He on his box and me on mine lol
I used to love the CoD series, but with all them hackers on there and being forced to buy map packs to have the full game play, kinda made it stupid to plsy now,.

I also love my 3D Ds, but v again only play boring games like animal crossing on it haha.

I miss my ps2 and my snes. Classics who simply can't be replaced. Mario kart being one of the best games ever playing against friends....
Smallbluething, I'm an avid LARPer too! It is my favourite hobby!!!! xxx

What kind of a system do you do? Mine is a high-hit, high fantasy system.
I occasionally play video games and love family board game sessions!

I don't LARP but I do historical reenactment! Best hobby ever! So much fun!

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