LARP, Board/table-top games, Video games, etc.

Eep! So happy to see this post as the top one in the hobbies section.
I'm a huge geek, know to boardgames, some computer games, rpgs, larp and historical reenactment.
Can't wait to be able to have a little one to dress up and introduce to the magical word of geekdom.

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Eep! So happy to see this post as the top one in the hobbies section.
I'm a huge geek, know to boardgames, some computer games, rpgs, larp and historical reenactment.
Can't wait to be able to have a little one to dress up and introduce to the magical word of geekdom.

Yay! :)

I agree, what could be more magical and exciting for a youngster than to get to be the hero and actually fight dragons etc :D
Rper on SL, although not as much as i used to ;-) I still like to indulge in some gaming, especially with my little brother, but my partner's unfortunately just not into it!
I don't LARP but I love video games and board games.

Board games I recently fell in love with are City of Remnants and Mysterium.

Slowly trying to build up a collection though
I love board games but I don't really have anyone to play with. I play Uno with my son though.
Oh, I adore LARP and making various cosplays too! Together with my friends we still have vacations during summer where we travel in interesting atmospheric places and play in characters of our favourite heroes with wearing special costums and so on
I've never had an experience with LARP, however I heard about it from many people and yeah, that's a cool type of hobbies but it seems that it's just not my type :)
I like various computer games and gambling much more. In case of the first ones my favourite ones are Half Life 2, GTA, Hitman and Sims series, Thief, BloodRayne and Chaser. Of course I played in more of them but these ones I still adore even through many years :)
I like mmorg online ones too, especially World of Warcraft, Cabal, Shaiya and Aion too but I don't play in them too often because considering the pace of upgrading your heroes (it's usually rather slow) I'm become bored of them really fast lol
And in case of gambling I like the most of all various online casinos and card games, especially poker and blackjack. I have a special budget for such games and for me getting fun is more important than winning money, besides this happens so rare... lol
Oh, I like playing computer games, I was great fan of them in my teenage years and I still play them time till time, however now that happens not too often because adult life is much busier :p
My the most favourite one is Half Life 2, in my opinion it's the best games which had been ever made. I played it so many times and I dream about releasing third episode some day. They should end that amazing plot! :)
I also like GTA, Hitman and Alien VS Predator series, the last one from them was really good. BloodRayne is my favourite too, in my opinion it's one of the best ones in case of main female character. Chaser, Thief and Prey are good ones too.
I like some mmorgs too, especially Cabal, Shaiya and World of Warcraft. But I don't play them often because I don't like much that donating thing for such types of games.
And I adore virtual gambling, especially comeon casino bonus codes and card games, it's a great fun for me too but I've never spent too much money on such games.
I like gambling too and I see nothing bad in having it just like an other type of hobby smile I got an interest in it during my teenage years too, firstly it was just a love for playing cards and later through years I discovered for myself other types of it. Now it's a small hobby for me, another way to get some relax after work in the evening or during weekends but I've never been a heavy player. It's really interesting and risky to play in such games, they bring people a rather special types of emotions, that's why I think so many people become addict to them but personally I always know my limits. I have a certain amount of money for this small hobby and I've never spent too much of them, I think that in such case gambling isn't a problem at all tongue-out Sometimes I win and sometimes not but for me the main thing is process and money is just a pleasant bonus. If your position in this case is the same, than why should you stop playing even after the birth of your child?
And speaking about my favourite games... Well, I adore poker, blackjack and online casinos uk online casino , especially slots and roulette for them. But from my own experience I should mention that you should be careful with online ones, if you want to play, than it's really better to choose only licensed sites, there's much scam in this sphere and sometimes people had very unplesant issues with their bank cards because of this.

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