Lady/woman or girl?(my case "little"girl)


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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When do you start getting called a "lady or woman" I'm so used to getting called Girl because I look really young I even got ID-ed for a scratch card yesterday and I often get called little girl!!! :oops: So when was it you went from being a girl to a lady or woman when other people refer to you?

I think the day someone refers to me as a lady I will be really shocked!!
hmm I dunno....certainly whilst I've been in my 20s I've always been referred to as lady.
I guess it depends how you look - I never ever get ID-ed, even when I was underage I never did, so maybe I just look old.

Except for by my mother who called me a child yesterday when we were having an argument :roll:
When I was 16 I went to college to do an NNEB in childcare and I worked in kids clubs, schools and nurseries. I remember being so shocked when one of the mums turned to her child and said "give it to the lady", meaning me :shock: !! I felt so grown up! Then again, I must have looked it as well to a three year old! :roll: :rotfl:
Quill said:
When I got fatter :rotfl:

I'll second that! But I was called "big girl" managed to lose a bit of weight though, then I go and get pregnant :| lol

Wouldn't change it for the world though :D x
i dont think i have
my friends call me baby :rotfl: coz im the baby of the group- thanks dirty dancing lol
I detested being called a girl when I reached my 20's tbh. I find in the UK it seems many people will continue calling you that for a long while afterwards. On the continent they seem to have more defined terms for when to refer to a woman as a woman and a girl as a girl with the usuage of Miss, Madam and so on. I never got called a girl when I lived in The Netherlands or Germany then. I was always madam, lady and considered a woman. I really don't see why women should continue to be thought of as girls once they grow up and mature. We don't think of a 25 year old man as a boy. A 'lad' maybe, in terms of our culture today but not a boy.

If anyone called me a girl over here (or if they dare today) I would correct them and tell them I am a woman thank you very much. OK, its not happened in a while but people still don't believe me when they find out my age. I get total disbelief usually :roll: But I'm proud of it and embrace it. I don't think I've ever looked too young and been ID's, but I have one of those faces that isn't really aging as much as I see my friends are. I guess its down to the gene pool.
I'd say if your pregnant and going to become a mummy you are now classed as a woman, I never like the term Lady though. Not sure why.

I stop considering a girl a girl at the age of about 18 I think :)
I think i got called lady/woman when i was about 18, but my family still refered to me as girl until i got married at 25 :roll: .
In fact alot of my mam's friends did the same,one sent me a join the dots get well card when i was in hospital at 18.I was pretty :evil: at the time (i'm 18 , i'm soooo wise) but find it pretty funny now. Bless her!
I suppose I'm a girl...well I am..but I certainly don't feel like one :lol: I'd rather be referred to as a "young lady" :D
zebrastripes said:
I suppose I'm a girl...well I am..but I certainly don't feel like one :lol: I'd rather be referred to as a "young lady" :D

:rotfl: To me, young lady just sounds like something you say to really little girls when the have been naughty!!!
Id say when your 18 you should be called young lady but it depends with me. If i wear my 'posh' trousers and shirt im a young lady but if i wear my 'normal' clothes im a girl :lol:
evemarie8 said:
When I was 16 I went to college to do an NNEB in childcare and I worked in kids clubs, schools and nurseries. I remember being so shocked when one of the mums turned to her child and said "give it to the lady", meaning me :shock: !! I felt so grown up! Then again, I must have looked it as well to a three year old! :roll: :rotfl:

Same here :D
When i began working with kids the parents refered to me a lady... ie 'please pass your coat to the Young Lady'
now i just get 'lady' as im so ancient now (29) :lol:

The children at work define me diffrently when i fell pregnant
now i am a Women as only Women can have children not Girls
which i find very clever they can differentiate between the two 8)
sarah :wave:
I would laugh at my ex's niece she would always call me a girl she was 3 and assumed I was her age too just bigger! She would do my hair and put jewelry on my and her mum used to ask "is Nicki a girl or a lady?" and it would always be "shes a girl" she even used to ask why my mum had done my hair like that or why did mum get me to wear those clothes today. :D It was quite sweet although when I went shopping with her and her mum to find her mum a dress for a wedding she was picking out the clothes that she had at home for me to buy so we could match!!!

I don't mind girl as I know that I do look young for my age but I really don't get why people call me "little girl" Its obvious I am over 14 and I wouldn't call anyone under the age of 8 a little girl!
if its any consolation.... i still get asked for ID in pubs and im 30 this year!!! :lol:

think people still call me GIRL! :(
i must be wierd then coz i prefer being called 'girl' to woman/lady!!
i helped an old lady in tesco the other day & she sadi to me 'oh you are a nice girl'!!! but then again she was probably about 90 so i am a girl to her :rotfl:

i'm 30 but being called lady/woman makes me feel old :lol: i still think of myself as a girl 8)
my grandparents called children "it" as in "ahhhh look at it" or "it's got a lovely smile on it's face" :shock: :rotfl:

in fact everyone in my family is called it so I don't mind being a lady, girl or woman as long as I'm not an it!!!!!!!!!

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