Ladies who have reached the 12 week/Scan date stage


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2010
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How did you get through the time from 4-5 weeks to where you are now?

I've only known 4 days and I am driving myself mental thinking about everything and hoping it is all going to be ok. The 12 week/scan stage seems forever away!
I think the worst thing you can do is stress hun. :) easier said than done i know but just lay back and enjoy having your own little secret.

Honestly at the time it felt like it took forever! But now I can't believe that I am about to move over to tri2! Just stay healthy in yourself and try and enjoy some time before you have a bump and then a baby!
Thanks for replies and advice. I plan to do lots of chillaxing. I suppose it is still fresh to me and there are so many emotions running through me, I will just have to get on with it. Hard though I am a control freak and a thinker!
It has gggggooonnnneeee so slow. Scan on Monday, wish it was tomorrow as i have a family party to go to at the weekend and it would have been nice to have told people, assuming all is well. Never mind, instead i have got to wait the whole weekend to find out.
Times goin slow 4 me so I'm tryin to break it up into little milestones eg I'm at an awards ceremony next week,il b 6+3. then I finish college aweek later,friends 21st,midwife 28th June,then scan will b few weeks later. Just take each day at a time. I can't wait to get to 12 weeks so I can announce it to the kids and then the world but I also want to enjoy every second of this pregnancy cos this is goin to b my last baby.

My mum was just satin yesterday how there isn't many pay days left til her holiday (sept) then my sisters weddin (October) then it will b Xmas..I just thoght omg then il b due not long after that!!!! x
Times goin slow 4 me so I'm tryin to break it up into little milestones eg I'm at an awards ceremony next week,il b 6+3. then I finish college aweek later,friends 21st,midwife 28th June,then scan will b few weeks later. Just take each day at a time. I can't wait to get to 12 weeks so I can announce it to the kids and then the world but I also want to enjoy every second of this pregnancy cos this is goin to b my last baby.

My mum was just satin yesterday how there isn't many pay days left til her holiday (sept) then my sisters weddin (October) then it will b Xmas..I just thoght omg then il b due not long after that!!!! x

Ahhh I bet you thought, god if only you knew? , what a secret!
It is probaby no consolation but you won't believe how time flies after the 12 week scan- it kinda makes up for how slow the beginning goes. X
I just made my 'non-pregnancy' life as busy and interesting as possible and made sure I had lots on at work to keep my mind from counting down the days!
It does seem to having flown by though, looking back!
Hope time passes quickly enough for you, but enjoy it before any of the 'bad' symptoms of pregnancy kick in lol!
If its any consolation you're in the slowest part now.
After 12 week scan it speeds up and before you'll know it youre packing a hospital bag and decorating. I know its hard to believe now but thats the way it goes.
Try to distract your self with other things in the meantime.
Congratulations btw :dance:
Oh and big brother starts on 9th June and that always makes the weeks go quicker,by the time it finishes we'l b about 20 weeks!! Lol x
It does seem to drag but i took it week by week rather than seeing the 12 week mark miles away! Seemed to work with me. It does fly by after 12 weeks though!
Hey, just like what the others have said. I know how you are feeling, I used to read weeks in advance in my pregnancy book and think how far away it seemed so far away! The run up to the 12 eek scan is long yet when it comes seeing the baby on scan and having a picture helps you get through until the 20 week scan then after that you begin to count down the week, you have less keft then youve done!

Congratulations and enjoy it! xxx

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