Ladies who are TTC after implant removal?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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How long did it take for your first af?

I have had the implant out for 30 days after having it in for 3 and a half years, and have had no af not even a single spot :shock:

We have been trying I started using ov tests but they were ebay cheepies and seemed to be ovulating every day according to them lol
When I had my implant out I definitely had my first period within the first 3 weeks. I hear that you a lot of people fall pregnant after taking out their implant quite quickly. Have you taken a test? X
Hi. Thankyou for your reply x
I'm due to test tomorrow but I'm not holding my breath having no pregnancy symptoms what so ever but here's hoping x
Hi there

I had my implant for 4 1/2 years got it out last december, period was late and out of sync for about six months then started to settle down, I was NTNP at that point this is my first month ttc but not holding my breath as I think that the hormones may have mucked up my CM thts still out of sync, it can take upto a year to finally get your cycles back to normal as its the same as the jags some ppl do fall preg quickly jus depends on your fertility ect.
I fell very quicky with my other 3 all in the first few moths but I know its gonna be different this time.
I want to fall pregnant as quicky as possible the other 3 we were relaxed and were happy for it to happen whenever my body decided.
But this time I want to be pregnant now :( the older my 3 get the harder its going to get to go back to having a baby x
Sure it will happen soon enough ask your gp if they have anything to regulate your cycles other than the pill ofcourse haha :p good luck love hope you get your bfp soon - keep the chin up and focus on the fun time you'll get to have whilst trying :)

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