Ladies?? Plug question?

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I only saw some of the plug while going into labour with Joseph 9.5 years ago, it was jelly like and blood streaked!
I have just been toilet as I felt wet and when I wiped there was a load of jelly stuff without any blood streaks! ?? Can that be my plug? It was jelly like but not as jelly like as I remember with Joseph?! I dont know!? :think:
I know it cant be left over bits from sex lol as we havent had sex for about a week at least I just dont know!?
:hug: oooooh fingers crossed this is it hun bet your well excited :D
ive never seen any of mine but it does sound like it could be :think:
Im not much help, but ive heard tales of it being differnet for everyone.
As far as i remember i didnt have a plug with CAmeron.
Last week i was losing stretchy clear snot like stuff not sure if that was my plug or not.

Ive heard others say its like a lump of snot tho
I dont know!? I dont know if I should be?? :think: I really dont want to think about it hahahaha
Just before this I also got a period type pain which I have been getting on and off for ages?! I could get all excited though and still be here in 2 weeks lol :roll: That sounds about right for me hahahaha
Thanks Hen and Chick! I posted while you both did lol!
Sounds plug like!

maybe you are wrong on this one and she wont come late! :cheer:
i know what you mean, i have been getting period type pains today and not sure what to think
Thanks ladies! I will let you know if anything else happens!
OOH this sounds exciting, is Lola going to make an early appearance? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Oh Oh Oh!!! i just loged on and seen this HOW EXITING!!!! ahhhhhh :D
Yes this is your plug hun, next you will probably get some more but with a little blood in, it all depends what your body wants to do :)
i was actually thinking of you two days ago and think you will have her on a THURSDAY!!! iv predicted a Wednesday for me ;) but if you go into labour soon you can still make Thurs :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thanks ladies!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Well after that post I felt a bit more damp and went to the toilet! Not only was there more plug with blood bits in but it was like I was peeing without peeing lol! Not too much but Ithink my waters may have gone! Well went and had a shower then put on a pad and it happened again! Then about 5 mins ago it happened again! So they are slowly leaking Im sure?! :think: Can be wee surely hahaha
I have been having period pains but I get them anyways so cant really say they are the start of labour! Maybe but maybe I will in a day or so!? Is it 72 hours max they give you if your waters break?! OMG this is so weird! i have never had this before! A little scared really but only coz I havent done this bit before lol! Im going to call the hospital now!
Sounds like things are moving for you...good luck!!!!
ooooh this is deffo it for you, lola will be out by friday guaranteed :D
:cheer: oh wow hun, this is so exciting! This really sounds like this is it for you...

good luck hun and let us know what the hossie say.. :D
Oh Im so excited, PLEASE keep your text buddy updated if necessary as we will all want to know how things are going and when Baby Lola arrives into the world......

Good luck hun.. :hug:

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