Ladies, 10dpo another bfn. Who is with me for not testing early anymore?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2012
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Hi girls.

So sick of testing early and getting another bfn. In my rational head I know it's too early but it totally drags me down!

Was going to try again at 12 dpo but again I know it is still early!

I'm going to try and stop testing early it only leads to stress.

Who is with me?

L xx
I never test until af is 2 days later than expected. Allows for me getting my dates wrong.

I only tested early one month, but it was so horrible I swore I'd never do it again!
I made a rule never to test before AF is due and I broke that rule last month (tested 3, 2 and 1 days before period - each time was a BFN!!)

In my defence it was NYE but it was so soul desroying. Not to mention the fact I wasted a digi :shock:

I am testing 1 day before AF, 14 DPO and this is only because if I do get a BFP I have about a week for the Dr's to figure out how to keep me preggers!!!

I know it is hard hun, but try to keep testing until a bit later in your cycle

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I'm terrible im testing from 9 dpo!! I usually have a bfp by 10 dpo thought and have once had one by 9!

I don't want to miss the excitement and I get bored of waiting!:)

I stopped testing early a while ago, just got to be to much seeing all those negative tests.
I'm with you Looby.

I always regret it because it's never a BFP, just a lot of pointless drama over nothing.

A bit like getting everyone around for a party and then the birthday girl doesn't turn up lol
Ha ha Louise!

I bought 2 cb digital today as they had £3 off in superdrug!

Going to try really really hard not to use them until after Friday when af is due.

I'm winding myself up because I have two works nights out Weds and Thurs but dont want to drink if I'm pg but then I've not had a drink before and af still came. I don't want ttc to take over my life but sometimes it feels like that is exactly what it is doing!

I think for your sanity you've got to wait, you're just putting yourself through mental torture. We've all done it! Just go on your nights out, drink and enjoy yourself! It's good you're busy weds and thurs at least that will take your mind off it a bit? I'm stopping opks and early prg testing starting this month in order to take some control back as it has been taking over my life. Very hard though xxx
Thanks Kay Kay you are right. I'm stopping opk this Month as well. It starts to mess with your head. Plus ruining our sex life by putting too much pressure on when we have to do it.
Might try the relax and forget about it method! Xx
I don't test early, I just wait for AF. Can't face the BFNs!

Testing early for me was nothing but an epic disappointment and I never learnt from my mistakes either-it's like a 10 dpo syndrome. You read of others getting their bfps 9-10 dpo and when you get a bfn you think "that's it, I'm out"...a few of us are guilty if thinking this. You are Not out until that fat witch sings!

there should be a separate forum for poas addicts! You know who you are!xxx
When I tested early I didn't believe bfn (never had abfp, not even an ache of a line that could lead to line spotting) so it made no difference, I felt the same as if I didn't test but I got way more stressed for the last few days of 2ww

The thing that's been good for me is temping. I always get a temp drop off for a few days before af - it's like an early warning system and helps me get my head round af before she arrives

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