Hi Ladies
Since my LO was 2 weeks old I have been giving her colief in every feed as we thought she had colic. She cried nearly constantly, was very windy, screamed when she was passing wind and just seemed very unhappy. The colief did help alot and now she seems happier but in the afternoons/early evenings she still screams and crys when she passes wind. As she is coming up 2 16weeks now she should of grown out of colic by now but whenever i try to cut down the colief to wean her off she just crys all the time and goes back to how she was before she started on the colief even just halfing the dose as it says to when weaning off it results in screaming and crying. Does any1 know if this could be lactose intolerance? Thanks in advance ladies for any help! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Since my LO was 2 weeks old I have been giving her colief in every feed as we thought she had colic. She cried nearly constantly, was very windy, screamed when she was passing wind and just seemed very unhappy. The colief did help alot and now she seems happier but in the afternoons/early evenings she still screams and crys when she passes wind. As she is coming up 2 16weeks now she should of grown out of colic by now but whenever i try to cut down the colief to wean her off she just crys all the time and goes back to how she was before she started on the colief even just halfing the dose as it says to when weaning off it results in screaming and crying. Does any1 know if this could be lactose intolerance? Thanks in advance ladies for any help! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx