Colief infant drops


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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:wave: As some of you know it has been suspected that luke has a lactose intolerance. the health visitor has now suggested that we try these colief drops in his milk, so i have switched back from the comfort milk to cow and gate premium and adding these drops at least 4 hours before his feeds. i would say that yesterday i think he was slightly better. (please may it continue :pray: )

these drops apparetly break down the lactose in the milk and make it easier to digest, anyone had any experience of it?
I used them for a few weeks after trying infacol, gripe water and colycynth granules to try and relieve my LO's problems with wind.
They seemed to make a difference too.
however I also had concerns about my LO'S poos ( which were very runny even with colief) so HV finally offered to try my LO on lactose free milk. (SMA LF) and this is when I noticed a real difference.
Her poos have firmed up and she is a lot more settled.
So give the colief a try it might do the trick for you.
But bear in mind there is SMA LF aswell. Maybe your HV can give you more info on this if colief doesnt work.

Sorry to have rambled can talk for hours me :oops:

Oh just remembered According to the C + G helpline COMFORT has less lactose in it than PREMIUM (but it causes a lot of smelly wind which makes LO'S tummies sore)

thanks for reply katrina :D

not sure if these drops are working he is still unsettled and screams his poos and wind out. his poo is now quite runny and has gone to yellow (it was green on the comfort milk) i wander if it is lactose intolerance :doh: HV said if it was then these drops would make a lot of difference, do i try the SMA LF :think: i really don't know :wall: see what she says on tuesday at baby group.

i feel guilty for keeping changing his milk bless him he must wander what the hell is my mummy doing now!! :roll:
My HV said that the poo will be runny the whole time the baby is on colief. I tried eefie on it for 3 days and had 3 days of hell :shock:
He was so uncomfortable, screamed the place down, shit up to the eyeballs, throwing up all the time so thought sod that and went back to infacol - much better!
PS, milk is like a man and his pint, trial and error to find the right one. We started on sma (constipation, wind etc) then aptimil (windy, throwing up) now cow and gate comfort, suits him fine :)

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