lack of CM??


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hey girls

just been reading up on cm online and was wondering if any of you had experienced a lack of it.

it says lack of it can cause problems with ttc.

im worried now as i havnt noticed any this cycle yet and im either on CD22 or CD17 as im unsure when af actually started as im spotting first and then experencing full bleed. come to think of it i cant remember having any last cycle but wasnt keeping my eye out for it tbh as i was trying the opk's which i didnt get a positive one and tested my whole cycle.?? :(

ive also read that you do not have to ov to experience a period?? i was always under the impression that you had to ov to get your af.

im very confused now and worried that my body isnt working properly, we are on our 4 month of ttc now, i know its early days but feels like weve been tryign for ages.

i have had a light dull ache in my belly last few days now so thought that might be ov but im not convinced tbh
I hardly get any CM, only had it twice this cycle (I'm currently on CD 29) and it wasn't the clear stretchy CM they say you have when you ovulate. I read on the internet that not everyone has visible CM and that for some people it just stays inside.

If you are worried that you're not ovulating you should perhaps make an appointment to discuss it with your GP.

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Hi I had similar probs. Last cycle I started using evening primrose oil high strength capsules and it really improved my cm. Much more. I also use vit b6 which I have read that "women who have problems concieving take b6 their fertility improves during 6 months. It suggest 50mg/day". Quote from fertility and conception guide. Great book x
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I do not get much CM and I could never really class it as EWCM which is what you are supposed to get when you OV. If I don't get my BFP this month I am considering taking Evening Primrose Oil to help with CM. But, if you take this you should only take it up until the point you ovulate and not after, as it can cause uterine contractions which are not good for implantation (or so I have read)

If you are concerned you are not ovulating then perhaps you should see your GP?

I always get brown spotting/ 'sludge' (sorry TMI) before proper AF, but I do not class this as CD1. I class CD1 as when I bleed properly. I dunno if this helps, but didn't want to read and run!

Definitely try evening primrose oil! I got loads more EWCM the month I used it, and also got a bfp! Not sure if that was the reason why but definitely worth a try. You can get it from supermarkets and it's only a couple of quid. x
I agree with the other ladies, evening primrose oil is fantastic. I never used to get hardly any and when taking EPO the EWCM starts from cycle day 8-9. There are also sperm friendly lubricants that you can use which I have read can help the sperm along.
If you have any worries then better to make appointment with Dr to put your mind at rest xx
thanks for all the replies girls, have bought epo but as i am not tracking when i ov was too scared to take it.

see how things go this cycle and then book appointment with gp i think.

thanks again :)
I had NO ewcm for over 12mths, so i got the evening primrose oil high strength 1000mg after reading on the net it worked wonders for lack of fertile cm, & belive me it works wonders, i have loads of ewcm :) To find cm you may have to insert your finger close to your cervix then pull out & see whats there, sometimes you can produce small amounts, this can go unnoticed so you have to look for it, however TMI! but when you go for a number 2, it seems to show more due to bowel movement, it becomes unlodged & moves down into the vagina, you will notice loads with the epo, what dosage are you using ?

This is weird isnt it .... you can have a period & have no ovulation as not everyone will ovulate every month, but if you have NO period then you wont ovulate. Nature is confusing!

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