Labour sign spotting


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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There seems to be a few of us who are sympton spotting so i though i would start a thread for it.

Im going to drive myself mad im not even 37 weeks yet :wall:
I have been having period pains and lower back ache for a while now, i also seem to have a lot of pressure in my bum and feel like i need to poo all the time which i dont. I just generally feel ready to pop as i have no room left for baby now and my skin is so stretched on my bump it hurts. I just want my baby now im fed up and uncomfortable i hope this doesnt go on for weeks.

How is everyone else doing?
I felt the same for last couple of weeks but nothing any different now :roll:
I'm with you! Every single new twinge or sensation leads me into an excited 'is it now' frenzy!!
We have had a few early April babies recently whos next.

Anyone losing there plug yet?
*pathetic sigh* Nothing at all. I'm begining to think I'm not really pregnant. I'm just super fat... :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yep i will join you symptom spotting.
So far i have just started having tightnenings but they dont seem to be developing into anything more :( :wall: :wall:
Got a bit of backache.
Thats about it for me.
Oh and the fact there is no more room in there for her, i feel like i am going to burst :shock:
Bloom said:
We have had a few early April babies recently whos next.

Anyone losing there plug yet?

All these April babies need to wait their turn and let the March babies make an appearance first :lol:
fifi211 said:
Bloom said:
We have had a few early April babies recently whos next.

Anyone losing there plug yet?

All these April babies need to wait their turn and let the March babies make an appearance first :lol:

Sorry :oops: Your be next well apart from Shadow whos going to pop very soon.
Nope, no plug, no waters but everything else feels like labour.

BH becoming more regular each day and more painful to boot. What a joy they could go on for WEEKS and WEEKS :roll: :doh:

So who's gonna be first to pop out of us lot? You and me are blatantly giving birth on the same day :rotfl:
I was fine till I reached 37 weeks, now I'm symptom spotting all the time! It's like being in the 2 week wait when ttc :lol:

My symptoms are:

*Period pains and backache (mainly first thing in the morning and evening/night time)
*BH's every evening
*Needing to poo several times a day :oops:
*Weeing a lot more, and feeling like I need to when I don't

Baby doesn't feel very low yet, and my cervix is still too high to reach, so I think I'm gonna be here for a few weeks yet! :wall:
*stands up*
My name is Anna and i'm a symptom spotter too!

Period pains, backache, lots of CM (some quite thick) so of course i think its plug :rotfl: , when its not thick i think its my waters! :rotfl:

What a bunch of nutters we are!!
AnnaR2B said:
*stands up*
My name is Anna and i'm a symptom spotter too!

Period pains, backache, lots of CM (some quite thick) so of course i think its plug :rotfl: , when its not thick i think its my waters! :rotfl:

What a bunch of nutters we are!!

could be me 'speaking' :rotfl: :rotfl: glad I am not the only one :lol:
AnnaR2B said:
*stands up*
My name is Anna and i'm a symptom spotter too!

Period pains, backache, lots of CM (some quite thick) so of course i think its plug :rotfl: , when its not thick i think its my waters! :rotfl:

What a bunch of nutters we are!!


Although for the last couple of hours I feel absolutely knackered, getting really bad tightenings and I ''don't feel right''.

Think I've overdone things today. But I've still just swept all the floors even though I feel like poo.
OH is sitting next to me while im reading this thread and ive been saying "see!! Its not just me! We're all as bad at this stage" :rotfl:

Poor bloke comes in from work and im sat there in tears cos ive had pains for 2 hours then theyve stopped :roll: Really winds me up :x

I was lucky when i had Beth cos my waters popped first so i knew what was going on, but now i havent got a clue :lol: I keep getting pains, then they stop so i sulk, im checking the tissue and my pad (soz if tmi :oops: ) everytime i go to the loo (which is bloody loads nowadays )

Im making the last days really drag by acting like this, but i cant help it! I want my baaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbyyyyyyyyy nooowwwwwwwwwww!
i've had really bad tummy ache for the past 4 hours ..

baby been a bit quieter today..


This baby is NOT coming on April 1st even if I stay in bed all day with my legs crossed!!!!!!
I'm not even bothered if baby comes on April 1st now :roll:
Does anyone know if you have to have a bloody show before you go into labour?

What I am trying to say, not so that necessarily the first true symptom, or could you quite easily go into established labour with no show?

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