Knock knock can I come in?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2014
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Hi everyone. I think I belong here now. Just got my BFP!! I'm so nervous and excited. Can't wait to get to know you all. X
Congratulations! I got a positive on a digi on Wednesday, hopefully due 2nd June, how about you?
Yay, this can be our little June board lol! Surely there must be more of us? xx
I'm due May 31st according to my fertility app! I'm soo nervous. I want to shout from the rooftop that my overies work but I can't. How are you two feeling?
Lol I feel the same. Just want to tell everyone! But so far we've only told my parents. Will do a digi tomorrow and then tell the rest of the immediate family. Boobs ache (oddly it's the right one more than the left...??) and complete exhaustion! Oh and weird metallic taste in my mouth constantly. How do you feel? xx
I'm super excited, we have waited a long long time for this. Also terrified as I had a mc last year. I did um and ah a bit about being excited and joining in so soon but figured I may as well enjoy it as much as possible. Haha at shouting from the rooftops!

I've had little cramps all week, I'm guessing that is things all feeling weird having a bit extra in there. I've also got quite sore breasts and have had since ov. Keep poking them to check they are still sore...
I'm due the 31st may or 1st June, different calculators say different. Congratulations and welcome love87. Shall I start a June thread? Xx
All done :) it's June 2016 mummies and all welcome :) xx
Oh yes please kanga. I have all the same symptoms you girls have with the mother of all head colds lobbed on top. Cannot wait until it is gone so I can start enjoying my pregnancy. I'm quite miserable at the moment

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