Knitters Help??


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Ive just started knitting again... I haven't done it for years but wanted to start again and I was just wondering how many of you lot knit?? and where can I get some nice modern baby patterns?? Ive had a look on ebay but couldn't find many that I liked??
Have a look for Debbie Bliss books, either at a book shop or on Amazon. She does the best simple, modern patterns.

Better still, sign up for It's like Facebook for knitters and you get access to LOADS of free patterns. You have to wait for an invite (takes a couple of weeks) but it's worth it. I'm Minxy on there too :D
thanks I will go and check that site out now.... I find it really relaxing just thought I would sit and make some baby stuff as its small to start off with again!
Brilliant, ive requested my invite for that first site, its says I should only be waiting 2 days!

Ill have a look on the other sites now, just found what looks like a lovely Debbie Bliss book called Baby Knits for Beginners Book. Its £11 + P&P on ebay but guna have a look about the net and see if its any cheaper somewhere else.
yep Debbie Bliss has some beautiful baby patterns!!!
I've found one today that has a lovely dress in it that i'm going to make!
My mates are taking the mick outta me for knitting :lol: duno why everyone thinks its for OAP's makes me mad!!!
MrsBrightside said:
My mates are taking the mick outta me for knitting :lol: duno why everyone thinks its for OAP's makes me mad!!!

There's been a revolution in recent years, it's very trendy! Have you read 'Stitch 'n Bitch'?
Aww wow thats mint!!

Honest its dead easy to knit, I was taught when I was younger off my Nanna, I hadn't done it for years. I just decided the other day to see if I could still do it. Looked on you tube and watched afew vids which helped me pick it up again... have a look on there if you wanna learn how to do it!
my mum taught me to knit when i was little and when i found out i was having a girl i had to buy some pink wool!
I used to enjoy knitting a few years back. I used to do it with my Nan untill she moved bk to Spain again. I wouldn't know how to do it now :(
Ooh, c'mon girls get back into knitting so I've got someone to talk to!

Youtube is fab for instructional videos on technique, and the Stitch and Bitch book I mentioned is cool too :)
I think if you have done it before its very easy to pick back up again... I am busy knitting a scarf for starters while I look for something that little bit harder to do!!! I was soo excited when I remembered how to do it again!!!

Give it a go like Minxy said you tube have some excellent vids to help!!!

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