awww , smoking is harder to give up than some drugs, so I've been told. Just keep trying and don't beat yourself up if you can't. Just relax and take one day at a time. I found that was a good method to giving up smoking. In fact take it as one craving at a time. When I gave up I compared it to being in labour because for me the cravings came in waves. it would start of small then reach a peek and trail off again and then I would be fine for a while until the next one. As the days passed the cravings got further and further apart - until I stopped even thinking about it. that was over 5 years ago now. Although for some very strange reason two mornings ago I woke up and my first thought was right coffee and fag.. then i was like wtf have I gone back in time to the 90s! lol. As for the bleeding there is many many reasons why you might be. I bled for four weeks on and off, and it was nothing of anything really. the midwife said that it just happens to some women and she called it a uncommon common thing. lol. oh and I'm still knicker watching now.. even though nothing has happened since week 17.