Knicker Watching Again! :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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Already had bleeding & discharge throughout this pregnancy and thankfully everything was fine... woke up this morning to a yellowish/brown discharge and thought "oh no not again" i text my midwife but no reply.. the discharge seems to have stopped now.. but i keep worrying.. i feel an absoloutly terrible mother for still smoking in this pregnancy :cry: ive tried quitting and it was the worst day off my life!! i was crying for hours, arguing with my OH and got really stressed.. im not sure what to do :(
I can only imagine how hard it must be to give up smoking, I know my hubby can't, really hope all will be ok, hugzzzzzzz
Thank you!! hardest thing ive ever had to do.. doesnt help this week has been terrible!! my grandmas in hospital, theres been family fueds.. my mums death anniversary was also this week.. i wish id never started smoking!!! :( i really dont wanna go all the way through this pregnancy smoking.. but im scared i'll get soo stressed when i quit :(
Im sure everything will be fine a some people have bleeding throughout theyre pregnancy theres no explenation.
You really should speak to a doctor about giving up smoking i gave up in october and they were really supportive the patches were great. I know its hard but it is soooo bad 4 ur baby there are so many risks the placenta gets thinner as it spreads itself over a larger surface area to try and take in more oxygen and this means it cant anchor on as strongly which is dangerous.
Im really sorry if im scaring u just a lot of people are not aware of all the risks im sure everything is fine so try to relax xx
i have a stop smoking meeting with the midwife soon.. i'll just have to see how things go from there!.. i feel so bad.. i wont even smoke in public incase people give me funny looks
Im sure they wont so many people do it and stress is not good 4 the baby either so maybe that would outweigh the benefits.atleast u have made an appointment and are trying to do something about it xx
awww , smoking is harder to give up than some drugs, so I've been told. Just keep trying and don't beat yourself up if you can't. Just relax and take one day at a time. I found that was a good method to giving up smoking. In fact take it as one craving at a time. When I gave up I compared it to being in labour because for me the cravings came in waves. it would start of small then reach a peek and trail off again and then I would be fine for a while until the next one. As the days passed the cravings got further and further apart - until I stopped even thinking about it. that was over 5 years ago now. Although for some very strange reason two mornings ago I woke up and my first thought was right coffee and fag.. then i was like wtf have I gone back in time to the 90s! lol. As for the bleeding there is many many reasons why you might be. I bled for four weeks on and off, and it was nothing of anything really. the midwife said that it just happens to some women and she called it a uncommon common thing. lol. oh and I'm still knicker watching now.. even though nothing has happened since week 17.
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i bled up to 18-19 weeks with my first pregnancy and had no problems or explinations to it either i hope everythings ok hun im due the same day as you :)
my ticker is just a day behind lol good luck x
well its stopped now! :D would i have discharge if i had a UTI? cause i think ive got one of those :(
snr1982 is right. A day at a time. and sometimes minutes at a time and also, someone said about beating yourself up....stop. The stress is probablyl sending you over the edge you poor thing. Its been 4 years for me without a fag. I did hypnotherapy it cost loads but that would have been the equivalent of 3 months smoking so it was worth it. Not sure about the discharge but you need to speak to midwife. Hope you feel happier soon (Ive had bleeding all the way through which is driving me mad, Im 18 weeks)
Dont beat yourself up - your midwife will do her best to help and support you give up the smoking. You have had a stressful time too and that naturally makes you want to smoke so right now may not be the time to stop but start thinking about a stop day maybe in a couple of weeks? UTI can cause some spotting so maybe go to doc anyway and voice your concerns. Glad to hear its stopped right now but dont put off an appointment, better safe than sorry! x

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