knew they would get me grrrrr

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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i thought i had got away with not getting them!!! but OH pointed out i have some...... whispers........
STRETCH MARKS!! only 3 little ones right at the top of my bum! id been putting the stretch mark cream on my actual belly but totally didnt think about putting it on there.

means he was right........ MY BUM HAS GOT BIGGER! :cry: :rotfl:
dont know whether to laugh or cry
You did pretty well to get to 37 weeks without any stretchmarks Vicki. :D

If you look after them now, keep them moisturised, then they'll probably fade away soon after baby is born. :)

My OH has got the stretchmarks for me this time around. I think I have just used my old ones! :)
I thought I'd got away with them but OH saw some marks and said are my trousers cutting into me and I said no and he said oh but look you have marks all the way round your sides.. thanks for telling me :roll: greeeeeeeaaaaaaaat
I sympathisewith you, but i have loads anyways so not really bothered by them, i think im usong mine from last time as well sabrina.
Just keep them moisturised and they should be fine.
Oh no..... thought I might have got away with it as I haven't got any yet...
can happen at any time! :shock:
not the end of the world, get your palmers out and cover yourself in it!
I think if the skins guna stretch it will, no matter what you put on it. theres only so much skin can go for lol
i didnt think i would get any tbh ive only put on about a stone and a lot of people say it only shows on the front
Ive only put on a stone too hun, but at the top of my bump i have red stretch marks and they aint pretty either!
touch wood so far i dont have any on my bump i made sure i put the cream on twice a day but i never thought to put it anywhere else :oops:
:cheer: i havent really got any .. well only 2 small silver ones from when i had bradley.. dont think im gonna get any in the next 5 days :rotfl:

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