KJ - how did your doc appointment go?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Just wondering about you - I got my first appointment tomorrow!

Piglet xx
hi i was wondering the same- i posted in the other thread!
Hi guys,

thanks for asking. It went well, thanks. She was really nice. Didn't do another test as she said I was pregnant with 4 BFPs!

SHe gave me a copy of Emma's Diary and asked me to book in with the midwife at reception asap. I'll get a dating scan between 10-12 weeks and then a 20 week scan.

I asked loads of questions that I had written down (I know, quite sad!!) and she aswered them. She asked me a few questions, health, first baby, etc.

That was about it. Oh, and she gave me her email address and said to email her any time with questions. I have already taken her up on that one!!

Reception couldn't book me in with midwife until feb 1st so I emailed GP abotu it and asked if that was early enough. She said, not really and that she had personally asked reception to phoen the midwife and try and get me an earlier appointment. How cool is that!!

oooh, exciting!!!!

I had my appointment at 10.10 today, arrived at 10.14 due to an unexpected diversion - and they wouldnt let me in!!!! Can't get me another appoitment till Friday. I've been getting sharp pains, and and so worried about miscarriage again!

Anyway, i sat in my car and cried for about 20 mins, then drove home and had to tell my mom because she wondered why I was so upset.
She took it well, a little shocked, keeps calling me a "silly billy" lol. Its just the fact of who the father is that she doesn't like - i think "a week, half-soaked, boss eyed excuse of a man" were the words she chose! LOL, but she knows how much I love him. Shame he's done a runner.

Glad you're doing ok KJ! xx

Piglet xx
oh no Piglet! That's horrible for you! I would have def been in tears, everything sets me off at the moment.

That's really annoying having to wait until the end of the week.

Why not try and go to a clinic and get scanned if you're worried about pains. Are they af-type pains or different?

Another thing I'm doing to just check on things is to do the same make of pregnancy test every 3 days or so. The hCG levels should double every 2-3 days, so if the line keeps getting noticeably darker it's a good indication.

I'm glad that your mum is being supportive. Is there no hope with the father or do you think he might come back?

Kj glad things went well and pigletpoo sorry they didnt go so well for you...

how are your pains? i have had random AF pains and a few shraper pains and keep worrying if anything is wrong but i thought that if they come and go it was ok but if they are continuous (sharp) or get worse you should get checked out? Hope yours have eased now?

i am excited about my midwife appointment next thursday!!

Nikki x
Hi Girls KJ your dr sounds much more with it I had my dr's apt a couple of weeks ago and she said nothing to me other than congratulations and to book in with midwife for 3 weeks time which is this Thursday am really looking forward to it. Pigletpoo that is really mean of them 5 minutes isn't that late I but hope all goes well on Friday its a shame about the daddy but maybe he'll come round.

Just a heads up tho and I certain don't want to upset either of you by saying this but I think you're probably wasting your money a bit continuing to do pg tests, when I had my mc back in May I still had positive results for a week or two afterwards as it takes a while for the hormore to work its way out of your system - Your symptons will soon kick in. My boobs are huge and my tummy is really bloated so most of my clothes don't fit me now even tho I'm only 7 weeks.

Also if you can afford it you can book in for a private viability scan at your local private hospital - they'll do them between 6-10 weeks we paid £100 but it was well worth it seeing the heartbeat really put my mind at rest. The changes of miscarrying once there's a heartbeat is much lower. Good luck to you both.

Glad to hear your appointment went well. Sounds like you have a really nice doctor there (hang on to her!).

Hi guys, thanks for all the support you're giving!

My pains are like strong AF pains from mid afternoon onwards, and when I go to stand up I get shooting sharp pains on either side really low down, just above my groin. They only last a second, but i can really feel them!

It's strange telling my mom, ahe has reacted in a good way though. My family is very small, but we all stick together.

My OH has not spoke to me since his mates told him I am trying to trp him. He suffers with Bipolar - a type of schitzophrenia - and stressful situations make him act in very odd ways.

When he is ok, he is a wonderful man, but when he's not, he gets paranoid, depressed and all sorts. I expect you're wondering why on earth I would want a baby with this man! But he is gorgeous, he has his faults, but I'm not perfect. He may come back, 2 weeks ago he was telling me how he wanted a baby more than anything in the world, and how he loved me more than ever...... so who knows eh....Maybe our baby will make him realise he needs medication.

I may invest in an early scan if my doc doesnt offer me one... it would be great to hear a heartbeat...

Piglet xx
KJ said:
Hi guys,

thanks for asking. It went well, thanks. She was really nice. Didn't do another test as she said I was pregnant with 4 BFPs!

SHe gave me a copy of Emma's Diary and asked me to book in with the midwife at reception asap. I'll get a dating scan between 10-12 weeks and then a 20 week scan.

I asked loads of questions that I had written down (I know, quite sad!!) and she aswered them. She asked me a few questions, health, first baby, etc.

That was about it. Oh, and she gave me her email address and said to email her any time with questions. I have already taken her up on that one!!

Reception couldn't book me in with midwife until feb 1st so I emailed GP abotu it and asked if that was early enough. She said, not really and that she had personally asked reception to phoen the midwife and try and get me an earlier appointment. How cool is that!!


wow she sounds really nice much better than mine :? and it's not sad about asking questions :D you have to or you just get worried

take it easy hun :hug: :hug:
Hi everyone,

I just came back from my first antenatal appointment, and I'm a bit confused. I thought it was going to be the big one where they do all the blood tests and feel around your uterus and ask all the important questions. But it was a quick ten minutes with a doctor who tested my chest, urine, blood pressure and felt my breasts for lumps. She told me a few foods to avoid and asked if I smoked and that was about it. It really did only last ten minutes.
Now she has booked me the proper booking appointment with a midwife but it's for over five weeks time! Does that sound really late to anyone? I'll be over 12 weeks pregnant before I get my first decent conversation with a medical professional!
My scan appointments will arrive in the post independently so maybe the first one will be sooner than 5 weeks away.

I just find it all a bit strange that you're left to it for the first 3 months and there's no real confirmation of pregnancy. I feel like I could be any crazy person who walked in off the street and announced I was pregnant with no proof! I think it makes it really hard for this whole thing to seem real.

When have you guys got your booking/midwife appointment?
Hi eightball,

that does sound weird. My GP is making sure my booking appointment is before I'm 8 weeks pregnant.

I still have that crazy person off the street mentality though, as no medical professional has done a HPT or a blood preg test on me!!

They should realise that it makes us feel much more secure when it's all been done officially. I'd query that booking appointment though. You're supposed to have your midwife so you can call them with all your concerns, and leaving you on your own for 3 months seems a bit unfair.

I agree I think 5 weeks is a long time it wait fir your first apt. My dr told me you generally see the midwife at about 9 or 10 weeks could you contact the surgery direct and see if you can't get an earlier apt with the midwife. My dr was less than usless didn't even take my blood pressure . Anyway I am seeing the midwife tomorrow for my booking in apt was told it should take about 30 minutes so hopefully she will ask all the relevant questions and answer most of mine.
i also have my booking in appointment next thu when i will be between 6 and 7 weeks...

Hope you get an earlier appointment :hug:
I was supposed to have my booking appointment with the MW when I was 8 weeks but she was ill and then xmas got in the way so i now have it on Saturday, and my scan is tomorrow when I'll be 12 weeks. Apparantly it doesn't matter which order its done in. I was given my notes to fill in by my GP so i don't need to see her for those before my scan. I did get given her number by my GP straight away so I can still contact her if I was worried!
Hi eightball,

It's definitely different depending where you live. I had a quick chat with the midwife at about 6 weeks, then my scan and booking in appointment were together at a specialised booking in clinic 2 hour appointment on Monday.

I felt confused as well as no-one had confirmed my pregnancy until I was 12 (thought I was 13 at the time) weeks gone when I went to the above appointment. I know it's cr*p but I guess it's just a case of being patient!

Whereabouts do you live?

Valentine xxx
Hi everyone!

I managed to get in to see my doctor today and it was kinda weird!

she printed a few sheets of info off her computor, and just sat there chuckeling to herself about everything and saying what a fantastic time of year September was to have a baby!

I said "So what happens now?" and she said "Nothing really, come back in two weeks then I'll book you in to see antinatel" She said she didn't want me to go too soon because it will feel like I'm going forever and get boring!! Oh she did say theres a choice of 3 hospitals in which to have my baby, and she said to decide for when I go back in 2 weeks - although no info was given out and she didnt confirm my pregnancy! No blood test, no blood pressure, nothing!

All very strange...... not like I imagined!

Piglet xx
I live in london, they told me that I'll be entitled to two scans, which was what I was expecting. I might pay for an extra one myself, especially if they can't tell the sex!

I'm going to keep the appointment I have, so far apart from a few odd twinges I've got no reason to worry and need to be seen earlier. And if I try and just let the time pass by quickly it's nice to think that by the time everything kicks off I'll have passed the high-risk stage.
I got my booking in appt at 11 weeks.

Docs genreally take a positive home test as confirmation of pregnancy as they are so reliable .

As fir the Af type pains i had them from about week 5 for about a month but others got them longer.Each time i went to the loo i was convinced i would see blood..once you get past 12 weeks that eases.

Even if you are not booked into see the midwife you can always contact your GP for advice or NHS direct have been a great help for many on here.

congrats all on your pregnancy

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