

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Hi ladies!

I'm new to this (both the forum & pregnancy!).. We just found out we were expecting the other day, I'm roughly 5 weeks! We had been TTC since December, but the only reason I really done a test was because (and please don't think I'm losing my mind like my OH does!) we just got kittens only a couple of weeks ago... and all they done was cuddle into me but not my OH. Occasionally they would lie on my stomach. So I googled it and someone had mentioned that the change in hormones would make them like this. So done a test & it was positive!! :lol:

We have told our mums - it was a shock for them! But my mother said that we will need to get rid of the kittens as they can harm the baby. I know that my OH will have to clean out the litter tray etc - but I mean the general keeping of them. The cat fur won't cause the unborn child any problems will it?

I'm just so scared incase anything happens it's unreal, and because I'm still in the danger weeks I worry that it will & we will be devastated.

Any help ladies would be appreciated!

Levi xx
Don't think it'll cause any issues, it's just the cat poo that is the problem. Might just need to be abit more careful with kittens incase their bums are messy as well as the littertray if you know what I mean :)

& congratulations!!
ive had my two cats for just about 2 years now, and apart from the cat poo situation, everything else is fine xx

I've got grown up cats. All of then take turns on my belly now I'm preggers and this happened to me quite early on too.

I have been told by several people that my cats are dangerous to the baby and what am I going to do. I find this really annoying because they have all been round friends babies and toddlers with no issue at all. I am obviously going to be very careful and will never leave the baby unsupervised around them or any other animals for that matter. They will not be coming in our bedroom or the babies room at all. As a precaution I may get a guard net to put over the cot/crib/carrycot for just in case they try and snuggle up to bubs if I get distracted. AND I shall be teaching bubs to respect animals as soon as possible because I am sure the cats will need protection from bubs when s/he starts toddling.

As for the fur, I am resigned to the fact that the hoover will be my friend on this one.
Welcome and congratulations!

I have 2 cats who we got last year as kittens. As the others have said its the poo thats the main problem - my OH is getting annoyed at cleaning the litter tray out!
I'm a bit concerned for the cats as we don't know many ppl with kids and they have only met my neice and nephew who were 2 and 3 the first time and just chased them, so when they are around the cats just hide! I'm hoping that they will slowly adjust to the new addition and I plan on trying to ease them into it before LO is due and teaching LO to respect them as early as possible.
Like Ninja our cats aren't allowed in our bedroom and will not be allowed in the nursery but I will get a cat net just incase.
x x x
Oooooooh my bugbear is people that either tell others to get rid of pets when they're pregnant or people who use it as a convienent excuse to get rid of their pets when they fall pregnant!!!

I have 9 dogs and 3 cats and nobody is going anywhere!!

A few people have been stupid enough to suggest it and were left in no uncertain terms aware of their mistake!!

Anyway with regards to cat litter I use disposable gloves when cleaning the tray or scooping and a good disinfectant to clean the tray. Alcohol free baby wipes are safe to use on kitty bottoms/feet if required and anti tracking mats will stop litter being trailed around and help keep feet clean.

Make sure your cats are wormed too.

If you are worried about their reaction to baby when you bring it home use a product called Feliway for a couple of weeks prior to birth. It's calming cat pheremones which will chill them out!!!

Mine won't leave me alone, they're Siamese and like velcro normally but I can't move without the pair of them sitting on my bump!!
Aww thank you so much ladies! I'm feeling more relaxed now knowing they wont pose any harm to the baby. When he/she arrives I wont be leaving them unattended, never. I'm glad I don't need to give them away! Not had them for long but I love the wee ones already! :)

Thanks again ladies :D xxx
yeah ive had my cat for 15 years and shes not going anywhere. like your kittens shes been jumping all over me especially on bump but as soon as her bums near me i move her lol. i asked my midwife when i first went to see her and she said its fine just dont clean litter etc which is good cos our cat goes outside. only prob with me is three years ago i became allergic to her and all cats for that matter so just had to stop my tabs which means i cant cuddle or play with her that much :-(
I've got four cats lol one of them is an 8 week old kitten which my OH bought me home a few weeks ago. I've been told as long as they're vaccinated and wormed etc and if you can get OH to change litter (daily I'm afraid) then you'll be fine.

I always show the cats affection (just don't let them towards my face) I just make sure I always wash my hands (or use the alcohol gel) esp before eating etc (but you'd do that anyway obv lol) and don't let them walk across the kitchen worktops (again common sense).

Also, it's the parasite toxoplasmosis which can harm the developing baby but that's only found in their poop and its only if they're carriers of the parasite. You can also find this parasite in dirt/soil (so be careful when gardening, wear gloves + wash hands etc) and in uncooked meats. Also, my MW and our cats vet said that if I've had cats for a long time (I grew up with a family cat at home and got my first two from kittens about 2 years ago) the chances are that you've already had toxoplasmosis and could be immune - the symptoms of it are very similar to cold/flu.

I really wouldnt stress too much hun; as I said most of it is just common sense. Also *embarassed to admit this lol* but one of my cats peed on a jumper of mine (I didnt realise obv) and put my face on the jumper to smell it because I didn't know what it was (lol I know its sick but I didnt realise!!) straight away I at the MW's but everything was fine lol. Hope this makes u feel more reassured!! xxx
I have 9 dogs and 3 cats and nobody is going anywhere!!

Cazza I think you need to do a dog advice column what with your experience and all. I spotted a thread in Home and Finance asking about having dogs around babies/kids. I always think of you when I see these threads coz you always seem to be the voice of reason.
Oh bless you - what a lovely thing to say!!!

Am always willing to try and help anyone if I can........!!
Yeah kittens are fine apart from the poo situation. i had two kittens when i was pregnant last time, there checks need to be up to date.
After all cats keep themselves clean, id be more afraid of getting on a bus :)
before i had my daughter we got 2 kittens and when i fell pregnant i was a little worried how the cats would react as one of them was quite a feisty little bugger and hated strangers. anyway when elise was born of course they were intrigued by all the strange noises (and they were obv big cats by this time) but both cats were fab with her especially the feisty one who used to lie on the sofa next to her in which i can only describe as in a protective kind of way, he loved her to bits. obviously we followed all the standard procedures, keeping ours and her bedroom door closed while she was asleep and keeping an eye out if we were cleaning/busy while she was asleep but all in all i dont see the problem in having cats when u have a baby and tbh i was fed up of people telling me to get rid of them etc xx
i grew up surrounded by dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, fish etc and all was fine.
i have 2 dogs, a cat and a bearded dragon and wouldnt consider getting rid of any of them. reptiles can carry salmonella so just need to clean hands after touching/cleaning out. cat goes outside to do his buisness and i dont do gardening lol. as for the dogs i am the pack leader and so they will be introduced to babs after its born and shown that they have to look after and obey baby. will get a net or boot cat out of room so he cant sit on babs chest and so all will be well.

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