Kirlykird....(still in hospital)! UPDATED (Pg.4)

I did txt her last night and said everyone had had their babies and was waiting for her & Sammy.......i don't think she beleived me :shakehead:
Emmylou said:
I did txt her last night and said everyone had had their babies and was waiting for her & Sammy.......i don't think she beleived me :shakehead:

lol - i wonder why that was!!

Kirlykird had a chat with the docs y'day about a section date, she is just waiting to have a date confirmed....she is missing everyone loads and getting very fed up with being stuck in hospital :(

Hope she can come home with Sammy very soon :pray:
Hope he comes out soon.I was bored senseless in hosp for one night when I didn't feel ill.

send her big hugs from Dylan and me :hug:
Aww poor thing she certainly will be pleased when she is finally home with little one! How frustrating! Sending lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:

So sorry to hear kirlykird is still in hospital, I do hope she's making it feel like home, and hope LO arrives soon so all can be at home, safe and well, sending lots of best wishes :hug:

Well, unless there are any movements beforehand, KK is booked in for a C-Section to deliver Sammy on 11th April.

She sends love to all & luck to all of us due our babies soon :hug: :hug:

I have passed on everyones hugs & good wishes :hug:
Come on Sam, make it a natural for Mummy!!!! :hug:
so next wednesday is D Day for Sammy!!!
hope he comes one way or the other safely for u kirls, we are all thinkin of u!!!

Hope everything goes well for her wish her luck for us
Good luck KK, come on Sammy dont keep us in suspence!!
Wave a hotdog down there and lure him out!! :lol:
Aww hope everything goes ok and she gets the birth she so much wants, everyone is wishing her the best of luck, i know its tough being in hospital when all you want to do is be at hme.

come on baby help mummy out and be a good one for her..

thinking of you.. :wave:
good luck kirly been thinking of you xx :hug:
thinking of you KK good luck hun you will soon be holding your babba xxxxxxx
:rotfl: Just put the CCE suggestion to KK, she said she had already considered it :rotfl:

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