Kind of hoping I'm not cause I hate "OH" right now

I think you're right to post - that's what the forum is for isn't it? You've shown such courage to work on things with your OH. Most people seem to walk away when times are hard. I hope I'd have your strength if I ever needed it.
Thanks peanut, i thought i might offend some but then i thought why cant i relate by stating my experience?
Its tough to be strong but sometimes u have to be for your kids! I wouldnt change Jaycee for the world but id easily change her father! Thats the one thing i regret most in my life...settling for less.
I wouldnt recommend it to anyone!
Wow Jayceesmum, you are so brave. I'm glad you shared but sad you're going through this. It's hard to keep things balanced. I wish you the best.

Due to details (more like the essence) of my story that I'm not comfy to share, I feel such a fraud some days around here.... If I was pregnant I wouldn't even tell him. And if we were still an item and he knew, I would bring the baby up on my own, I know before hand that I'd be a single mum

There won't be any more ttc with this man. he broke my heart many times before but this time I can't forgive him. He's not going to be around anyway and in a way I pray he stays away so that I can move on with my life

thank you for sharing all this J, you didn't offend me and I believe you didn't offend anyone. There's nothing wrong with opening up :)

Take care
Thanks honey
if u do end up doing this on ur own i wish u all the luck and happiness in the world!
it can be done!
if this man really hurts you (and by your words i dont even have to know what he did to know ur miserable!) then dont even aknowledge him! if soeone can hurt you like that and not even say sorry or even notice that they are wrong, then they arent worth shit!!
Chris is getting better since he's stopped drinking but its his brothers 21st in november then all the holidays etc after will be the decider to see if he can stay off it! I hope it works. He has admitted he was wrong to treat me that way and apologised for it. He was a bit funny with me yesterday but called today to say he was sorry and he didnt mean it - which shocked me!! He is so stubborn and up himself!
I hope everything works out for you honey and if he keeps on bugging u i suggest castration :twisted: hehe
Don't ever 'settle' girls ....... you're all worth way too much ......

Hugs to you Jayceesmumma you're being incredibly brave ... but if he lapses .... you CAN do it on your own if you need to I'm sure.... you and your little girl deserve more .....

Wondering, it sounds like you are starting to be able to see life without OH .... I think Canada could be coming at exactly the right time for you .....

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yes, thank God for that Bec. I'm looking forward to it altho I know that the first few weeks will be very difficult.

Unfortunately the anger has wore off and I'm only sad now. I honestly can't believe how inconsiderate he is, it's surreal :(

As for the title of my topic, I'd say I want to be pg now. I doubt it though cause I'm getting mild AF pains on & off already and I'm due on Wednesday. It will be very hard, not to mention it will spoil my vacation :evil:

Hugs to you Jayceesmumma you're being incredibly brave ... but if he lapses .... you CAN do it on your own if you need to I'm sure.... you and your little girl deserve more .....
Thanks honey, i was prepared to do it alone from the start therefore i wasnt upset as much when i had to! And i knew i could do it! I never needed him and i love that fact!

Good luck in Canada! I hope u get the results u want honey and hang in there!!! U can do better! U deserve better! Even tho ur moving are you still going to be posting? :pray:

good luck hun, im so sorry you are going through this right now :hug:
where in Canada are you moving to? i live in Canada!
i wish you all the luck in the world with whatever you do.

jayceesmumma you are verybrave hope everything stays good with you as well.

Jayceesmum, I promise I'll keep an eye on you! Make sure you all get your BFPs :)

Katrina, I'm moving to Montreal, I see you live in British Columbia. I have to say I know nothing about big cities in Canada and how far from each other they are. But it's cool, we're going to be on the same country huh?

Girls, I just changed my plans for next week's vacation so that I won't be near him. Me and my friends are going some place else. I'm relieved.
I don't know how I'll manage to log on and let you all know how I got on. I could txt someone, so if anyone wants to pm me with their mobile # I'd appreciate it.

Thank you for your wishes girls


Ya we will be thats cool.
Montreal is much closer then England lol i feel so far away from everyone.
My aunts and cousins live there too and ive never met them so maybe i will have to make a trip out there some time and see them and we could meet up or somthing! do you know people out in montreal ?
Hope you holiday goes well.
Katrina xxx
wondering said:
Jayceesmum, I promise I'll keep an eye on you! Make sure you all get your BFPs :)
Cheers honey, glad ur doing better without him! Hows things going?
U done a test yet? xxx
Ah Wondering, Sorry you are going through a lot and your OH is being an arse! :x Mine keeps moaning that im too obsesed with getting pregnant which is true but men just dont understand , do they. :roll: its on the cards that you are pregnant as most get their BFP when they dont want it.! :oops: I fell pregnant last year when I was about to end my 12 year relationship with my OH but then I had a miscarriage :? since my miscarriage, it has brought us closer together but i have always doubted our relationship as he wont marry me and is always in and out of work so no great stability. However our love for eachother keeps us together and he is so kind, caring and would do anything for me. sometimes i wonder why im not falling pregnant is because im not settled and maybe its fated and not meant to be. what im trying to say is people change and if he is making you unhappy, there are plenty more fish in the sea who would make you feel special as every woman should feel. Good luck hun x
Jayceesmumma, You are not alone as there are other women out there who put up with violent men and you are brave to open up. My sister was in an abusive relationship for four years and had a baby with him. it took my dad to go round there and rescue her and the baby and three years on she has found a new partner who adores her little girl who is now 8 and they are TTC. So there are some nice men out there.
((((((((((((((((((((Big hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))) x
puff puff said:
its on the cards that you are pregnant as most get their BFP when they dont want it.!

That lasted about 2 to 3 days puff-puff, lol. I think I want it :(
Thank you for sharing a bit of your story, it does sound you're happy together. Love and repsect is the key I think. I don't know why you haven't fallen pregnant hun but I have faith that you will.
Interesting story about your sister, I love happy endings! Why don't you tell her to join us here since she's ttc'ing? If that's ok with you of course :think:

Jayceesmum, no I haven't tested yet. I'm due on Wednesday and I'll be on vacation then. I think I'm gonna wait and test then. I'm not doing so well as I keep thinking about xOH and all the bad stuff that happened. Plus our plans didn't change like I thought they would, we stick to the initial plans :( But hey, I'll be with dear friends and they will cheer me up!

Thought it was about time to add that missing "w" from "no" at the title :lol:
lol @ 'w'
Shame ur plans havent changed but at least ur with your freinds! This way, he will know ur there and not seeing will make him know u dont want him anymore!!
Be strong girlie! U can do it!! Let us know asap when u test lol!! Take a laptop in the loo! lol!
Wish u all the best and have fun with your friends!

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