kidney infection...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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Hiya girlies,

hope you are all ok! Had my urine sample come back and looks like i have a kidney infection... apparently these can be quite common in pregnant women.

Can anyone tell me why they are/what causes them?

Sorry you have an UTI. It is very common in pregnancy

Found this for you.

Under the influence of progesterone (one of the pregnancy hormones), the bladder becomes larger and more relaxed, so it does not empty so efficiently. Furthermore, the growing uterus stretches and displaces the urethra (the tube connecting the bladder to the outside world) so it may become difficult to pass urine. If the bladder is not properly emptied, bacteria in the urine left behind may multiply and cause infection.

To make things even more complicated, the lining of the bladder becomes softer and so is more open to damage and infection during pregnancy.

How's your maternity leave going?

Hi Moofa xxxx

Thanks for that! I started mat leave 2 weeks early due to high blood pressure and stress at work - am so glad i did!

since i finished have had ankle and hand swelling, awful sleep patterns, kidney infection etc!!!

but we have got the nursery sorted, so thats good.

how is your mat leave going?


Have they tested you for pre-eclampsia due to the swelling, guess they would have done if they are dipping your sample. :hug: :hug: :hug:

My leave is ok trying to keep busy and joined a bump and baby group so every Tuesday I will go round another parents house and meet other Mum's. Quite a full packed week next week and then the last 4 weeks going to put my feet up I think. LO is already 3/5 engaged :shock:

Just trying to look for fitted sheets for tyhe crib at the mo

It is good to see you back on the forum :hug: :hug: missed you

wow, 3/5ths!!

well, dont tire yourself out too much, try and put your feet up now and then!!
make sure you are getting plenty of fluids (my mw advised 2l :shock: daily) and cranberry juice s good too.
I think kidney infections happen when a UTI goes untreated. I have had one a couple of years back. My back was very painful with it.

Hope it clears for you soon :hug:
im not sure how or why you get them but i hope you feel better soon x
i've had 4 uti's during my pregnancy, 2 of which have turned into kidney infections, so i can totally sympathise :wall: they are the most painful things in the world :wall:

hopefully you have your anti biotics now and it should clear up within a few days :hug:

apparantly as the girls have said they are really commen though pregnancy, and once you have had one, you're prone to another, and another :roll:
:hug: :hug: I sympathise with you. I used to be extremely prone to kidney infections and they just sap all your energy. One thing to help prevent it is to drink lots of water and cranberry juice as recommended by Skimpy and also don't hold onto your urine. If you hold a full bladder there is more chance of reflux back to the kidneys which causes the infection.

Hope the antibiotics work quickly...but remember to finish the dose even if you feel better just to completely knock out the bugs.
hope you are feeling better soon freepie :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
:hug: I some how managed to get 2 at the begining the first went untreated until I got better myself "because it was just morning sickness and normal pregnancy pains" apparently so they wouldn't test me that took 3weeks. Then I got another really violent one about 3 weeks after the first lots and lots of sickness and just having no energy what so ever I couldn't even stand to make a cup of tea I would near fall down. It was so horrible! :hug: I hope you feel better soon it took me about a week with the pills they gave me and lots of rest and fluids. :hug: Also even though you feel sick eat whatever you can that was my big downfall I felt so much better after I had ate something even if I was scared of sicking it up you need to eat something anythings better than nothing. :hug:

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