

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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I have been feeling a lot of movement lately which is great but was just wondering when I will be feeling kicks from the outside so my o/h can feel them. He is feeling a bit left out poor bloke! When did everyone else start getting really kicked to bits other could feel it?
Hi Lmwarr,

Even though my Bodette's movements still feel like big bubbles popping in my tum if my OH has his hands on my bump he can feel the vibration through the skin.. especially at night when trying to sleep!! He felt the first one on the day of our 20 week scan [I was 20+3 I think!!] it was a lovely omen for the day!!

I am sure you will both be feeling alot very soon!!!! its wonderful!!
Hi, my oh has been feeling little kicks for roughly the past week, this last 2 days he has felt them stronger though.

hi there my other half felt his first kick other night but i have been feeling them since i was 15 weeks it stopped when ever he put his hand on my belly (typical) this is my second pregnancy so i feel them sooner and i am thin.
My OH started feeling them at about 20 weeks. Mine were quite strong by then.

Don't worry before long your stomach will be rising and falling into funny shapes as the baby moves around and sticks limbs out. Your OH will have lots of fun feeling those.

It's so lovely feeling them move around.
I've been feeling the kicks on the outside for about 3 weeks now. DH hasn't managed to feel them yet (in fact he's not sure he wants to but that's a different story!! He thinks it feels a bit 'alien' like, but is slowly coming round to it after the scan!). My daughter felt them yesterday though, and I laid on my back so she could see my tummy moving. She had tears in her eyes!! :D
aah bless your dd tankett! my daughter is 9 yrs & she is really starting to think lots about the baby-to-be, she kisses my belly goodnight, her idea not mine!

i have been feeling kicks for about a week now, & my daughter , son & neice all felt a kick last tues, but every time dh puts his hand there it stops! its doing my head in, he even said i must be imagining the kicks :wall: , which i am not.

movements getting quite frequent now, the last few weeks i didn't feel any movements till late afternoon, but now i wake up in the night & he/she is dancing around!!! :D
Its funny that you guys say your LO's stop kicking when OH appears... whenever my OH puts his hand on my tum my bodette also goes quiet.. last night he gave my tum a little prod and she kicked back in the exact spot.. he did it again and same thing.. it was lovely.. and whenever he speaks to her [to my tum!!] she moves around and starts kicking.. it must be true that they find mens' voices soothing and respond better.. more likely cos she gets fed up with hearing my voice all day and switches off.. so when OH talks to her its more interesting!!

:think: :think:
i think i started feeling movement around week 17.. wasn't sure what it was at first... since being about 20 weeks they've been quite strong.. DH felt them from around 20 weeks... I can see my bump move now which is really weird!!! I think he/she likes the bath... i see lumps pop out my bump and go back quick... the first time i saw it.. it really moved me! it was amazing...


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