Kicks and thumps.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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My friend was over yesterday and said I should def be feeling kicks or thumps by now. Is that so? I'm still only getting the occasional flutter or vibration, (mostly at night) below the navel and quite deep too, plus its not consistent either. Some days Im not sure if ive felt anything at all???
no your friends not right.. you shouldnt definately be feeling kicks and thuds now.
what your describing is what ive only just started to get so wouldnt worry at all!
Thanks Kim! It drives me nuts when ppl make rash comments like that, it only gets you thnking too much! :wall:
ive been panicking that i havent felt anything... so im glad no one has said that to me! lol im 2 weeks ahead of you and only just started feeling flutters and tiny kicks!
Nah.. People feel the kicks and thumps at different times....

I am sure it depends on how many babies you've had, how large you are as a woman, how much fluid you have, and where your placenta is.

Mines at the back, I don't have enough fluid, I'm not overweight and I've had more than one baby, which is why I think I felt it so early. But around 16/17/18 weeks I wasn't sure if I had felt him kick during the day, and there were days where he was really quiet and it would make me worry. But after 19 weeks things got a lot stronger, and sleep patterns have now emerged.

Geez I don't know why some people think they are being helpful by saying such comments... :| :| :|
Squiglet said:
Geez I don't know why some people think they are being helpful by saying such comments... :| :| :|

They just think they're being clever. Quite the opposite in this case, since my friend has no children at all, so she's talking out of her A** lol
I didn't properly feel keeley kickin til 23 weeks even tho at my 20 week sexing scan at baby bond the scan person was like she's kickin can you feel it and i was yeah :lol: :oops: when i couldn't
I can't feel any kicking - just occassional squirming around! Must be different for everyone.
Now, it will be butterfly feelings and nervous feelings in your tummy, kicks zand thumps, oh lord, your friend is wrong! For this, your baby would have to be atleast 7 months for the kicks to take real effect. Now, I am taking, by your ticker you ain't near that stage yet lol

Sit back, relax and enjoy the pregnancy ride for now lass xx

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