

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
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My Riley seems to have very strong kicks these days and they r very high up as well like just under my ribs lol how can she be that high up??
ha i was told my placenta was low :S
WOW cant believe your 25 weeks already!!!

yeah they do get really strong about now xx
lol it seems like a sudden change from only feeling her round 18 weeks and then bang huggge kicks i can remember when u 1st got preg and i was ttc n now we're both partnerless shows how so much can change :( l
dont be sad hun, were better off without, we dont need to share those precious times!

wait till ur bump is swayin frmo side to side haha thats weird!!
I dont want damien anyway its just i get jealou seeing families with daddies :(
Im not even askin for money from him im gonna survive n say i did it without him & im not lettin him see Riley :D
Im letting puke i mean luke see ellouise, and he can pay for his half of the responsbility!!
baring in mind im younger than u probs seemed like funny revenge at the time :) his best friends thought it was hilarious *chuckles*
how old are u becks?

im 19

puke tried sayin i got pregnnat on purpose... which is utter balls....

i was mortified when i found out i even considered adoption as being the best option for my baby!
Ahahaha im 19 too lolzzzz i thought I was talkin 2 some1 alot older the way u speak hehe
yes we were ttc and we was together all of my pregnancy untill i left him
i think its cos we leave them the get embarraesed or whatnot and its a cumplusive lie that comes out of their mouths haha C*nts is the only word for them TBH
hahaha yeah damn right!!

dont be strugglin daer, on ur own financially, he created ur lil princess, so let him cough up! its only fair...

ppl always say i seem older than i am :l haha dont know whether to take it as a compliment or not sometimes hahaha....

alto i feel a lot older now when im creaking and taking 20 mins to get outa my chair ;) haha
lol I felt the full hits of pregnancy today spent the whole day walkin around and my back kills!!
Im so immature for my age and i get called an emo or whatever so people think im werid haha
do you have myspace?
but im maturer than most I live alone and my parents live in france so im pretty much all alone with my cat :)
but i am still a giant kid myself lolzz
lol bless ya.

i have got myspace, ive snet an add friend request thingy to ya...

is it not scary living on ur own?

id hate to live on my own :(
It was scary at first but tbh you gotta get on with it
I could live in France with my rents if i wanted too but its rural france and in the middle of nowhere and bore && meh i have my friends :) even though we dress up as zombies hahaha
Just butting in....

I met DD's dad when I was 16 and he was 28. He mithered me for a baby for ages until I gave in and we started trying. Fell pregnant when I was 19 and had her at just turned 20.

I left him when I was 21 and whaddya know, I "trapped him" He told his mates that DD wasn't planned and that he had never wanted a kid. Why do men speak such crap????

We rarely have contact, last time was 3 years ago. I have never been unreasonable yet he also tells people I wont let him see her - he doesnt even have to ask me he can ring her direct and ask her himself! He claimed his new wife didnt want him to see her, imagine his shock when I arrived fuming on the doorstep. Guess what, his wife has said nothing of the sort :roll:

You'll be fine on your own girls, enjoy your babies, I'd never change DD for the world :D
lol men are immature huh!

if it isnt how they wanted it to be in a perfect world...regardless of whether it was how the mother wanted it to be or if they agreeed together... it wasnt there choice and tehy were trapped, and the mum is a biatch etc etc

they'll all need naming and shaming so other women dont end up in the same situation!

NOT that id change my lil angel for anything! x

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