Ketones again...


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I was in hospital overnight on Thursday to Friday cause I was dehydrated and I couldn't keep my sickness under control (I have hyperemesis).
They wanted me to stay in as I had a lot of ketones in my pee.

Well I checked my pee this morning, and my ketones are sky high again :(
I'm trying to concentrate on fluids, but it seems that if i have any amount of fluid in my stomach for any length of time i need to be sick.

i'm keeping up with my meds, but :roll:
Poor you :cry: :hug:

I don't think there's much you can do short of going on a drip in 1st Tri because you will be feeling so rotten anyway - there is a good chance that in a couple of weeks the problem will pass because you'll feel well enough to keep things down. What do the doctors say you should do?

Hope you are OK xxx
well, i've had this with all three of my pregnancies now. this has been the easiest one.

the consultant (who knows me well), basically said that i know the score and if i'm starting to be sick again regularly, then i need to go back in.

he didn't say what to do if my ketones went back up again.
can i take the rehydration sachets whilst pregnant?
Hi Hun, i had hyperemesis with my pregnancy up until the 18th week. It was horrendous. :evil:

I too was hospitalised numerous times and stuck to a drip to rehydrate me. So i have all the sympathy in the world for you :hug:

My dr advised me to take rehydration sachets also. I didn't but only because i just couldn't stomach them.

Hope you're feeling better soon x
thanks. i stopped at the chemist on the way home and the pharmacist said that they couldn't sell me the rehydration sachets as i was pregnant (they know me). so i couldn't get them. they just recommended me going to the gp.

i'm gonna stick it out, up my fluids as much as i can and then see how they are at my appointment on friday. been advised to drink lucozade as it's apparantly great for replacing stuff thats lost through dehydration.
You poor thing, hope things improve for you really soon.
Hi, don't know if this will help but i am diabetic and when i get dehydrated they tell me to have diluted orange juice, i expect you could have concentrated orange juice as you don't have diabetes and your blood sugars are alright.
thanks. im drinking some lucozade as i've been told it's good for when your dehydrated. it is the orange type, so maybe it'll help!

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