

Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Well i've had swollen feet (mainly left?! lol!) and hands on and off for a few weeks now.

I was at my friends wedding all day yesterday so was on my feet a lot and sat down for long periods of time and by god did I pay for it! Got home and I could barely bend my ankles to get up the stairs! Was sooooooo uncomfortable!

OH helped me elivate them when I went to sleep last night and they seemed to have halved in severity overnight, thankfully! Been taking it easy all day today - i.e not doing ANYTHING! Bliss! ;) So i'm hoping by tomorrow they're back to normal!

On a more positive note, wedding was amazing! Food was scrumtious! And all the standing and sitting upright seemed to make baby get a wriggle on (didn't stop moving ALL day!) so i'm hoping that by wed baby will have gotten into a cephalic position all by his/herself! If so i'll be begging them to induce me there and then! Haha! X
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Arent swollen feet horrible!!! I get them everyday now, without fail, its awful :( But luckily my hands havn't been bad at all, so thats got to be a plus lol.

Yesterday though I put my feet up and my mum (bless her) stroked from my toes back down towards my knees, just gently and it helped move the fluid back up my legs and it helped SO MUCH! So try get your OH to try it :) works a treat! x
Oooo I might do! Although I forced him to paint my toenails and shave my legs for this wedding yesterday so I might leave it a day or two and see how I get on! Haha! Bless him!

Not a fan of swollen feet at all - my hands don't swell up loads but I can tell they have when they go as I cant clench my hand as easily x
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Mine look like puffy plates constantly - i went out tonight and had to wear shoes - i could harldy do them up - not a sexy look! Haven't been able to wear my wedding ring for weeks and weeks i think it must be the heat cos i never had this bad before!
I took my rings off a couple of months ago - the heat DEFINATELY isn't helping the situation. My soak in the bath seems to have helped a little more too!
The joys of pregnancy eh?! lol x
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It's alright Tasha, I'm currently walking like I've shit myself!!

Haha! Oh good god - what've you done now?! lol x
Lol well I havnt shit myself :lol:

I feel like I've got on the saddle on the bike wrong or been kicked in my foof!

Haha! :rofl: Kicked in the foof?! lol! Oh dear! Hope ya feel better soon love! Xx
LOL Well that's what it feels like anyway!

God knows what I've done :roll:
kicked in the foof sounds like SPD to me

My husband rubs my feet every single day and gets the fluid sorted

he is amazing!
kicked in the foof sounds like SPD to me

My husband rubs my feet every single day and gets the fluid sorted

he is amazing!

Can I borrow him? If I asked my OH to go near my feet I think he'd die! lol x
he is lovely Liam, I would loan him out but he doesnt like it ;) i see it as a money-making scheme but there ya go!
Ah Ive been kicked in the foof too :wall: bloomin SPD. Our pelvis should be able to hold the weight oa baby, its designed to do it!!! Stupid pelvis!

I make OH poke my swollen ankles and he plays with them like a squidgy stress ball :rofl: I need a LIam!
Arent swollen feet horrible!!! I get them everyday now, without fail, its awful :( But luckily my hands havn't been bad at all, so thats got to be a plus lol.

Yesterday though I put my feet up and my mum (bless her) stroked from my toes back down towards my knees, just gently and it helped move the fluid back up my legs and it helped SO MUCH! So try get your OH to try it :) works a treat! x
Kankles? As if we haven't got enough to put up with. Mine blew up over the warm period. Luckily I have a wonderful midwife who advised me on wearing some support socks, which did the trick, so I just thought i'd pass the message on. Don't get cheap ones from the high street tho, as I wasted a few quid on buying the wrong thing, it's worth going online to get better ones.

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