Lost ankles...


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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About 2 weeks ago I started to get fluid retention around my feet/ankles.

Now its so bad I can only wear my flip-flops (good job its not winter! :shock: ) and its even starting to get painful. By the end of the day I am getting tingling on the tops of my feet and they are just huge!

The midwife saw them on Monday, although that was in the morning when they went quite so bad, and she said that since my blood pressure was the same as always and my urine was all fine that I shouldn't worry.

But really I can't help worry a bit.

Not to mention how fugly my poor feet look. :cry:

Is anyone else suffering and does anyone have any tips other than drinking lots of water and putting my feet up?
The water drinking and feet up is really the best advice....I had this up to 3 days after I had Libby......I know what you mean about the painful tingly feeling!!

I used to have indentations in my ankles from my socks :shock:

Keep an eye on your blood pressure, if you feel light-headed at any time, or see stars - you MUST call the hospital or your MW.

Its just one of those things darlin' - sorry I couldn't help anymore :hug: :hug: :hug:
I get this and again I've just been advised to keep feet up and if possible even in bed, try to raise end of bed or the mattress up. I can only put flipflops on and even then I still get the indentations. I've always had really slim ankles as well :?
oh well not long to go now eh!
Ironic isn't it? My ankles have always been lovely and slim too!

I have abed from ikea that raises at one end, its supposed to be for a head rest but I've turned it round so I sleep with my feet raised a little.

By the morning they are nearly normal again, but it only takes a few hours for them to puff up again!

Thanks for the advice re lightheadedness, I will bear that in mind.

I've still got 3 weeks of work to get through yet. :cry:
really? gosh, i hope it goes quickly for u!!
i stopped work at 36weeks, i thought that was gd lol!
Yeah i cant find my ankles either :( at least i got to buy some lovely comfy new sandals :D
Mothercare do a cooling foot spray that i used in my last pg and again this time. Its lovely! :D Highly recommend! :D

No advice but your almost done your pregnancy hun and almost off work then you can try and relax and put your feet up :hug:
Only yesterday I noticed that a pair of boots I've been wearing have become a bit tight around my feet! Not as bad as you poor gals but I've just started to notice it happening!
Jayceesmumma said:
Yeah i cant find my ankles either :( at least i got to buy some lovely comfy new sandals :D
Mothercare do a cooling foot spray that i used in my last pg and again this time. Its lovely! :D Highly recommend! :D

Thanks I'll have look for that next time I'm at Mothercare. :D
My feet were really swollen last week. On my last day of work i had to take my shoes off and walk around my shop floor bare footed. I was quite upset cuz ive always had sexy little ankles. Ive been able to put my feet up now and thw swelling has gone right down. Phew!
Hi HelloKitty

Sorry to hear about your ankles. I had this really bad last pregnancy coz I had PET as well :( Do keep an eye for any other symptoms (like it's been said before, high BP, protein in urine, dizzy spells etc). Are you having your BP checked fortnightly?

Maybe you could do with a day or two off work. If you are on your feet a lot it's not going to help with the puffiness. Support tights (bit hot in this weather and difficult with flip flops I admit :) ) might help.

You can get some lovely, cooling, foot and leg treatments now. Boots do their own one and it's quite reasonable. Fizzing minty foot granules you put in water and then just relax to soak your feet. Follow this up with some mint spray or thick cream lotion. Your feet might still be a bit puffy but they'll feel fab! :D

That all sounds lovely! I picked up some of the mothercare cooling spray and that is nice, and quite cheap thankfully 'cos I can't see it lasting too long!

I am having fortnightly antenatal checks now and so far everything is normal.
Maybe its just bad luck, its probably aggravated by the warmth and because I'm overweight anyway.

I don't think I could bear support tights right now. Also they'd have to be special over-bump maternity support tights and I'm not sure if anyone does them?

I am off until Wednesday so I'm putting my feet up now! :D

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