Just when you think you can grieve!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2014
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Hiya Ladies,

On the 20th July, we found out that our twin babies had died at 9 weeks. (I was then 11 weeks) so counted as missed MC. I had the ERPC the next day but after having the op i knew within days something was wrong. I was still bleeding 2 1/2 weeks later and having foul smelling discharge. I was also in horrendous pain in my lower abdomen and back. hurting more when needing a wee. Sorry if TMI. I called the Ward i was on last Saturday and they called me in for a scan etc on the Monday. After sitting in the waiting room full of either heavily pregnant ladies or screaming babies i was called in to be scanned. The poor lady was the same lady that told us the first time we saw her the babies were alive, printed our scan pics for us and saw the heartbeat. Not only this but that she had also been the same lady that gave us the horrifying news that they had passed away. As soon as i heard her clicking i knew something was wrong. I could also see her looking almost fed up of having to tell women bad news. Anyway, she told me they hadn't removed both babies properly, leaving parts of both inside of my womb. We had to wait in a side room for a doctor to come and give me some more information. He told me i would have to have the operation again. The next day i was waiting for my call for theatre. Panicking a little and tired from all the worry. Woke up and they said the operation hadn't gone to plan. They also had to do a D&C with an ultrasound as the parts left had attached themselves to the top of my womb. I didn't really understand how something that wasn't my fault now has turned into so much trauma.

I'm sorry to go on, its just, just when you think its over and you can grieve something else hits.

Love to you all.

Heartbreaking. I don't normally post in here, but just wanted to say my thoughts are with you and your partner. I'm so, so sorry you've had to go through this
That is so so sad, life is so unfair sometimes, sending hugs to you x
Thank you Kittykitchn. I really appreciate your comment :) I want to try again straight away. I've found out i'm ovulating today only 5 days after. I wonder if its safe. Apparently you will only get pregnant if your body is ready so i guess thats a plus.
Thank you Kittykitchn. I really appreciate your comment :) I want to try again straight away. I've found out i'm ovulating today only 5 days after. I wonder if its safe. Apparently you will only get pregnant if your body is ready so i guess thats a plus.

If you feel up to it, I definitely think you should go ahead. You're right, your body will know if it's ready or not xx
Iv'e read so many positive outcomes after D&C and also some bad experiences. I wonder if any of you know any positive outcomes? xx
So sorry for your loss. I had a mmc 20th June 2011 at 11wks, miscarried naturally at 13wks, but continued to bleed til they did the erpc op 26th August, AF arrived 28 days after the op. I conceived my son the month after though so hopefully you will have a positive outcome xx
So sorry to hear about your loss and what you've had to go through again and again. With the experience you've had, it's hard to think when this would end. Am hoping it will get better soon for you. I too had a twin miscarriage, at about 8 weeks, and it feels like things are not moving on. Six weeks, and no period yet, and hcg still high. Like you, I've been reading a lot about others' experiences, good and/or bad outcomes, after D&C, and ultimately, it's about how ready your body is. NO matter what, it seems that for those who had positive outcomes, those people never gave up trying, and persevered through so much. I'm sure you will have a positive outcome in your future.

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