just wanted to share...

mrs v

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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...the news that my doppler finally arrived today and i heard my baby's heartbeat, absolutely frickin amazing!!! Just waiting for oh to get home so he can have a listen, it was like having my scan all over again, one happy lady :-)
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awww, thats wonderful !! I felt exactly the same when I got mine, its so reassuring! Amazing how much faster the fetal heartbeat is!! I had appointment with my doctor today & he listened to the heartbeat and found in exactly the same place I have been finding it, so it was good to know it was definitely the babys heart I was listening to lol
Enjoy!! xx
Aw that's fab!! I remember when I first got mine it was such an amazing feeling!!
Even now if she's having a quiet day, its so reassuring to have a wee listen in to her heartbeat - but beware, when your LO kicks the doppler its deafening lol x

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I got mine too ... been worried the last couple days because I've been flying and stuff (in an airplane :lol:) but hearing that sound was amazing!
Aww it is just great, and so easy.to distinguish, although little bugger kept moving haha...I'm really glad I purchased one now, not bothered if mw doesn't listen on tues now ;-)

I hope I don't become obsessed...I must limit my useage...

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