just want to say thanks


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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i just wanted to say thank you to everyone here that has replied to my posts over the past month i really appretiate it and it has really helped me deal with all this, when i had my first m/c i was asked by the hospital if i wanted to join a group for women who have had m/c but i was put off as i didnt really want to sit in a room filled with grieving women i thought this would make me feel worse i only wish i had found this site years ago, im now addicted to it. Its good to chat to people who have been through much similar things, when someone has a m/c we are always told that it is soo common but usually dont know anyone has has been through it, i think alot of people take it for granted that they will decide to start a family and everything will be fine, but most people here know that thats not the case.
aww honey, I am glad you have found some comfort here. I found it a massive help through my loss too. I hope you're feeling ok, you've been through a lot. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Glad you found some comfort from this site,i also found it really nice to have people i could chat to or ask any question's that i needed answers from someone that had been through what i was going through at the time. :hug:
Thanks for being here and for all the responses you have given/will give to other people too Claire :hug:
:hug: your welcome, and I agree, this is a life line, such great support... :hug: :hug: :hug:
i am glad you are feeling much more postive

Always here to help

The girls on her are fab

:hug: :hug:
i am glad you are feeling much more postive

Always here to help

The girls on her are fab

:hug: :hug:

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