Just unlucky?

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Sorry in advance ladies, well as some of you know the witch popped up to say hello yesterday, well ended up being on here most of the day but was feeling ok.

Then last night was lying in bed and had one of those "why me" moments and couldnt sleep.

Just cant help thinking that lady luck has it in for me and OH. We have been married for 2 years and 5 months and lst night it just dawned on me all the things that have happened since we got married.

FIRST the wedding,was a bit disasterous to say the least, we were planning for a year and everything was great, then 3 days before the wedding, his dad got taken very ill and had to have an OP, he had to go to hospital 200miles away and have an OP so missed the wedding

Then the day of the wedding came and we live on an island, ALL the planes were cancelled due to fog so half the guests missed the wedding INCLUDING Oh's mum who was visiting his dad in hosp

THEN there was the honeymoon, a small hurricane hit the carribean the day after we arrived in jamaica. :shock: We were ok as the hotel looked after us tho and managed to have a good time once the weather was better

NEXT, our return from honeymoon. landed at gatwick and my mum phoned to tell me that my Gran had passed away while we were away, it was sudden when she had went in for a minor OP on her toe.

So then we were happily working away for 4 months as a married couple and OH lost his job due to the ressession the building trade where we were living just shut down, so he had to move 200miles back to our home town for work:wall2:(had to pay the morgage) due to my work commitments i could oanly see him every 4 weeks for a weekend.

This went on till 3 months ago when i quit my job and moved here with him, we decided to start a family, thought we were the luckiest couple in the world as we got pregnant first month of trying, Then BAM, scan and MMC :(

All this was running round in my head last night and couldnt sleep. just had to get it out.

IFyou managed to read all this well done

Sorry for the crazy rant girls, but fell better for getting it all out.

All i can say is i'm so luck that me AND OH are healthy and i guess thats all that matters right?

Thanks ladies :nap::nap:
Massive :hugs:
I managed to read it all hunny.

My OH and me were taking about 2010 and its a shame but unfortunatly all the bad things that happen over take all the good things :( but im sure you have had some very happy times since you have been married. After thinking that last night maybe write a list of all the good things and im sure on paper they will outweigh the bad x x

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Sounds like you've had MORE than your share of rain and it's time for a fresh start this year. At least now you can say this year you're married, living together and are trying for a little one!

2011 is here and it's time for a brand new slate. :D

You'll never forget those experiences but now's the time to make some new ones.


You're not alone, everyone has moments like that and it feels like the bad outweigh the good. I have great feelings about this year, not just for myself but for all of us. :thumbup:

Hope you feel better hun.

x x
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Ahh hun sounds like things have been tough for you and hubby.

With all the bad luck you have had all that can come your way in 2011 is good luck x x x
Thanks guys, i guess sometimes the bad stuff just gets to you

Glad i can come on here and talk to you guys about it, i talk to OH about it but he is ALWAYS so positive and laid back, nothing really gets to him. Wish i could be more like him

and like he always says, at least we have each other. I really hope 2011 is going to send some luck our way!! :)
2011 is going to be a great year hunny, sending you lots of luck and babydust :dust::dust::dust: x x

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I know the feeling hunni, believe me you are not alone - not sure how that helps but at least u know ur not the only one to have a shit bomb of a year!

2010 started and ended badly for us, the whole year full of crap! My husband was being threatened with legal action from his ex business partner for no good reason, my hubby decided to move on as he was unhappy with the way things were going. We lost over £1000 but eventually it all calmed down. We then decided to TTC, new year new start and all - fell preg first month of trying and miscarried by the March : (

We decided to wait a month to sort my cycle and TTC again as we were told just bad luck. We were so happy to have conceived again in out first month of trying and all seemed to go well up until 30 weeks gestation. At which tim my hubby was having work problems again, this time threatened with disiplinary action with no basis. We had both been under stress as I was unwell. Next thing I know I am being scanned and told my baby is very poorly and most likely wouldn't make it. I gave birth via c section on 20th November and our boy died 2 days later. I count myself lucky that I got to hold his hand and he squeezed my finger, opened his eyes and recognised his mummys voice. I got to hold him just after his heart stopped and he continued to take several breathes in my arms. I held him and just didn't want to let him go, I felt as though I just wanted to run away with him in my arms and then it would all be ok as we would be together.

Since this we have had problems at home with stuff going wrong and new years eve was spent cleaning up after we had a massive leak in the garage after a pipe burst from the boiler. It's just about drying out now but the smell is horrendous. It seems insignificant though after Ethans death.

Not to mention the financial burden of a funeral for our son, it's sad but true that these things cost a fortune and all I got was 2 days with my boy - I pay it a hundred times over just to hold him again though.

I really hope 2011 is a better year, I could handle anymore heartache : (

Let's hope it's our year : ) xxxx
aww Laura_C, so sorry about Ethan. I was reading your other posts before:hugs::hugs:

Sometimes it really does feel like it's one thing after another. I really hope its going to be a better year in 2011 for all of us. Its definatly our turn for some good luck :thanks: for sharing your story Laura_C

Hunny, thats not a rant, its true real life feelings and we all have them. Youve had a hard year and I sincerely hope 2011 is good for you. Ive had a 50/50 year. Left and amazing job but moved to Leeds with my fantastic partner, came off my anti depressants and felt great, then, couldnt find work, had no money, broke my elbow and now, cant get pregnant, get a mortgage or find a job I love. However, I have faith and a positive family and we will all be fine on here as we stick together and understand each other, HUGS
Awww Hun - I hope 2011 is a better year overall for you!! Xx
Oh my goodness I can see why you felt cheesed off and unable to sleep - you've had a hell of a time with things going way more difficult than they should've to just going wrong :hug:

2011 feels like a good year and time for things to start going upwards!!

I know this sounds cliché but can you write down any positives that came from the bad times? Eg for me it was being bullied out of my job so I wrote down that it made me realise corporate work wasn't for me & now happy in totally diff career, I now stand up for myself from the get-go, and it proved my marriage was rock hard cos we got through it strong (took it's toll at the time :( )

Hugs xxxxx
Oh hon sounds like you and your hubby have really been through the mill this past year. But I am a firm believer in that every bad experience has a silver lining and experiencing these things makes you stronger as a couple. Hopefully destiny has lots of good things in store for you this year, things will start looking up and you will find a lot of happiness with starting a little family very soon x x x
Aww Hun!

Sorry you've had such bad luck!

Have some of this...

And some of this.....


Good luck for 2011!

Thanks ladies! i think because AF is visiting its not helping my mood swings :(

Bad luck cant last forever and its a new year, new start

REALLY hope we can get lots of BFP's this year ladies. P.M.L :)

Looking foward to a good nights sleep tonight too.
A big hug to you all from me!! You really had a rough year in 2010.

I think 2011 will be a much better year! It's a blank paper ready to be written on! And I think the story that is to be written is a good one!

Good luck to all of you ladies! I have a good feeling about this year!!
Just wanted to give you lots of :hugs: :hugs: girls,my what a year you've had.

Really dont no how you coped with parting form your little ethan hun,I cant even think to imagine how you felt and how strong you must be to deal with it day to day.

Here's to a fresh new 2011,lots of love xxxxxx
sorry to hear you have had a rough time of it,big hugs im wishing you lots of baby dust and fingers crossed the future bodes well for you xx
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