just some opinions for a newbie


Dec 29, 2007
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my name is Alice, married in July!
I am just wondering if i can have some opinions as i stopped the pill end of Sept started af 30/09 then 28/10 and 23/11 so cycle regular based on a 28 day cycle would have been due 21st December but Zilch nada!

I am now 8 days late but test showing negative :(

just feel in limbo and i dont chart so dont know ovulation date just seeing if anyone else had same situation?

I have felt sickly and am getting on off cramps

Thanks in advance
Hi Alice welcome to the forum :wave:

I came off the pill in February this year and had 33 day cycles for the first four months followed by one that was over 50 days. Then I resumed my 33 day cycle and then had another much longer cycle around September time. When I went to see a herbalist she said that it was very likely that the pill hadn't worked its way out of my system yet. She put me on agnus castus to regulate my cycle and I began charting so I would be more clued up about when my fertile time is.

I was convinced I was pregnant on both of my long cycles :oops: but I think I was just ovulating very late :)

If you are feeling sickly and getting cramps it could be a sign that ovulation is about to happen. I would BD like crazy in case this is so ;) Good luck :)
Hello and welcome!

After coming off the pill give your body time to adjust back to norm, its probably djusting to a cycle for you, also apprently the effects of the pill after u come off it can last a little while so give it time... and good luck!!

It took my body a good 6 mths to get back into regular 28 days cycles after coming off the pill hun so it may just be your body settling back down. :hug: :hug:
well still nothing so definatley resigned to the idea long cycle grr... but it sure makes me realise how much i would like this :D

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