Just some advice please


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Long story short......

We had a mmc in September last year and its been a long difficult road but hubby and I have came through it and I can say I have came out the other side a far stronger person than I was

For the past week or so I have felt "funny" with tiredness, sicky feeling, hungry all the time and just a nagging feeling that something is not right.

What I want to ask is after a loss did any of you "just know" that you were pregnant again? Usually coming up to my period being due (approx 12th April) I am very moody very tearful and Im not......but Im scared to get excited because of what has happened so want to wait and see but then again I was 8 weeks before I knew last time and I wonder if waiting isnt a good idea?

Thanks in advance xx
Hi hun, sorry to read about your mmc, I had a miscarriage last summer and fell pregnant again in September. I definately felt different but didn't just know (having lots two babies I stopped thinki like that after a lot of heart ache and time trying!) but I wasn't right, didn't want to drink and was out of sorts; on holiday! I wouldn't test until af is due and if (big fat fingers crossed) it's positive if get to the docs sooner rather than later! They may offer an early scan although is wait until at least 6 weeks to ensure bh can be seen, it can be picked up earlier but if it's too soon it's worse not seeing it if that makes sense?

I hope that helped and iv understood your questions properly! Hope you're ok xx
Sorry to hear about your MMC, i also had a MMC back in Nov 2013 and found it tough. I got a BFP in sept 2014, and if i'm honest i dn't think i did feel any different but i think my general approach had changed and i was feeling in a more positive frame of mind. I shoudl also say i seem to be quite symptom free in tri one, never really getting morning sickness of anything, just go to the wee a bit more and that's about it!

Fingers crossed for you that you get some good news soon x
I can 'just know' :) I just knew when I was first preg a few years ago by suprise, that I was preg. Then when I had my m/c last year, I just knew then as well. I also get the just knowing feeling with chemicals too lol.
Its just a weird feeling like a prescence is there? Think it might depend on symptoms too :) I get really bad sickness and headaches etc in tri 1 and it usually starts mildy like before af is due so think thats always a giveaway for me
Massive fx for you! :D x
Hi hun, sorry to read about your mmc, I had a miscarriage last summer and fell pregnant again in September. I definately felt different but didn't just know (having lots two babies I stopped thinki like that after a lot of heart ache and time trying!) but I wasn't right, didn't want to drink and was out of sorts; on holiday! I wouldn't test until af is due and if (big fat fingers crossed) it's positive if get to the docs sooner rather than later! They may offer an early scan although is wait until at least 6 weeks to ensure bh can be seen, it can be picked up earlier but if it's too soon it's worse not seeing it if that makes sense?

I hope that helped and iv understood your questions properly! Hope you're ok xx

Thanks hun yes you understood my question perfectly. Sorry to hear of your loss too.By the time period should be due I would only be 5 weeks and with my first a urine test didnt pick up a positive until I was six weeks but because of what has happened I dont want to get excited. I think in the first few months after the mmc I was overly focused on getting pregnant again just to take away some pain of the loss but I know now having got through the due date and with counselling I have got a totally differenmt utlook on things its a bit like a "couldn't care less attitude" I dont feel amny stress nothing bothers me now like it used to so know Im in the right frame of mind now. I had said to hubby that next time I was going to get an early scan which he was surprised at and then I think even if I had had one at say 8 weeks it would have shown everything was fone anyway as baby died at 9 weeks xx

Sorry to hear about your MMC, i also had a MMC back in Nov 2013 and found it tough. I got a BFP in sept 2014, and if i'm honest i dn't think i did feel any different but i think my general approach had changed and i was feeling in a more positive frame of mind. I shoudl also say i seem to be quite symptom free in tri one, never really getting morning sickness of anything, just go to the wee a bit more and that's about it!

Fingers crossed for you that you get some good news soon x

Thanks hun sorry to hear of your loss and congrats on your upcoming bundle of girly joy :)

I do feel I have a different outlook on things since getting past the due date and I am a totally different person even my friends say that Im far happier more confident etc which is great that others notice cos I know myself I wasn't right and it wouyldn't have been the roight time to get pregnant straight after it. I never felt sick the 2nd time round like I did the first time and I feel like that again but ive learnt that to stop it happening i need to eat but its the constant hunger I can't keep eating ive put on more weight since I last weighted myself a top i put on for work this morning was too short as belly was pushing it out maybe I am just fat but I just have this feeling that will not go away. I mean today I have had cereal, a yoghurt, 2 packets of crisps, a twirl, a vienesse whrl thing, macaroni small micro meal and im still hungry but my belly doesnt rumble as such it gets like stuck mid rumble and this is what it done the first time round.....oh i dont know I just need to be patient and see if the sexercise has paid off its been regular at every 2-3 days so anything is possible. x
Although i didnt have any symtoms i guess i did know i was pregnant before i took test. It was weird and i cant describe how i just knew af wasnt going to come but waited till day after due before i tested.
I had mmc in Dec and i found it really hard.
I am 8 weeks today and panicking the same will happen but hopefully all will be good at my early scan thurs!
Fx u get your bfp xx
I can 'just know' :) I just knew when I was first preg a few years ago by suprise, that I was preg. Then when I had my m/c last year, I just knew then as well. I also get the just knowing feeling with chemicals too lol.
Its just a weird feeling like a prescence is there? Think it might depend on symptoms too :) I get really bad sickness and headaches etc in tri 1 and it usually starts mildy like before af is due so think thats always a giveaway for me
Massive fx for you! :D x

Thanks hun - sorry to hear of your lossess its so heartbreaking and a pain like no other :( with my first I "just knew" the matallic taste was there the nausea and when I took a home pregnancy test and it said negative I just knew it wasn't right but since the mmc I dont know whether I am just scared though trying not to be as it wont help but its natural. I think I knew something wasn't right with my second as I worried constantly I had really bad headaches and struggled to get breath - I just need to wait and am just carrying on like normal x

Although i didnt have any symtoms i guess i did know i was pregnant before i took test. It was weird and i cant describe how i just knew af wasnt going to come but waited till day after due before i tested.
I had mmc in Dec and i found it really hard.
I am 8 weeks today and panicking the same will happen but hopefully all will be good at my early scan thurs!
Fx u get your bfp xx

Sorry to hear of your loss hun it is just so numbing the pain you feel when you lose a child noone can know unless they have unfoirtunately been through it - good luck for your scan is that through your GP maternity unit? I know where I can get a private scan done if I really wanted to but hubby isnt keen and I guess deep down I know that its not what I want. I kind of have that feeling too that af is going to appear and this morning I keep getting like movements for want of a better word round my back/ribcage area its like something is moving inside me I know that sounds strange but I know your organs do shift about when you are pregnant its not sore just weird and certainly not like period pain. Oh and TMI but my god are my nipples sensitive right now xx
No i have paid for the scan privately, think u have to have 3 mc's in a row before they will give u early scan on nhs!
Fx for u keep us updated x
No i have paid for the scan privately, think u have to have 3 mc's in a row before they will give u early scan on nhs!
Fx for u keep us updated x

Ah I see I think thats terrible as you are stressed and worried enough you would tink they could give you a scan sooner than normal for free

thanks I will do I was just stood looking at my belly in the wee shop at work and it seems to be sticking out an awful lot - Im so confused xx
ladies I need a serious slap or something

My symptoms are not going away and today has been an awful morning for feeling sick the worst I would say I have had so far since I started to feel "funny". It took two yoghurts, cereal, fruit in jelly and breakfast biscuits 4 of to stop the nausea feeling. My nipples (tmi) are still sensitive heartburn more frewquently. AF not due till sunday but i can feel its starting to stress me wondering and I know that wont help. Going by my LMP I would be just short of 5 weeks now if I was pregnant - should I test or just keep myself distracted for a bit longer xx

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