just needed a moan :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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sorry 2 moan i just feel like complete crap 2day & needed 2 just let it all out. i woke up feeling awful and the day has just got worse & worse.
i dreamt last night that social services took the baby from me because i couldn't look after him, i havent even had him yet and i already feel like such a bad mummy. im scared that i wont cope and everyone will think im doing everything wrong. :cry:
i'm sick of people giving me dirty looks and having to justify being pregnant. when i talk to people i havent spoken to in a while, they tell me im stupid and am throwing my life away, that i should make the babys father care and the fact that im not makes it my fault :? i don't think im throwing my life away, maybe putting it on hold but not throwing it away. nothing means more to me than this baby and i hate people making me feel bad about it. i cant MAKE this little boys dad care, im already worried that when my little boy understands that his daddy isn't there he will hate me 4 it. mark, my ex, made it perfectly clear he wants nothing to do with me or the baby... i see it as his loss now but i still feel awful.
and to top everything off, today when i was walking my dog, this guy started chatting to me, just being nice asking stuff about my dog. i walk my dog on a popular place where people go running, he was running and waiting 4 his friend who had dropped behind.
when his friend got to us he asked 'who's she' and then had the cheek to say right in front of me, 'she'd look alot better if she wasnt up the duff, looks like a sure thing though, go 4 it'.
i couldn't believe he'd said it let alone right in front of me. i could feel myself getting upset so i just said i had to go and walked away. i was in tears when i got home. i keep getting upset now, just thinkin about it. i dont sleep around and my ex was the only person id slept with. i just feel so useless and so upset. :cry:
sorry 2 moan just needed to get all this out... i feel so down after all this.
hope everyone is ok
hayley xx
Awwww sweetie boys will be boys!

You don’t have to justify yourself to anyone, not family, not friends & certainly not strangers.

In reply to that silly boy you should of said 'is it hard for you to see the difference in a casual conversation & sex with you clearly not getting enough' ... ok that’s my childish side but a kick in the ego shuts them up!

I see you haven't got far to go & because you want to be a good Mum you will be :wink: You're going to be no different from a first time Mum who's 30!

Keep your chin up hun x
Awww ((((HUG))))

You will be a great mom, don't worry!
When you have your baby you will realise it's a fantastic and fulfilling thing to do with your life and not a waste AT ALL.

It's not easy bringing up a child, and the challenges you get everyday trying to make them a good person make it all worth while.

As far as the idiot in the park, do not lower yourself to people like that....what kind of relationship will he ever get? He'll never be happy like you will be with your child.

If the baby's dad doesn't want anything to do with it then like you say it's not your fault he's such a selfish arse and he'll miss out on the most amazing experience of raising a child. He sounds like he doesn't deserve to share all that anyway.
Oh poor u x x

Dont take any notice of what other people say about wasting your life people say that to me and im 24 and feel perfectly happy about being pregnant. Being pregnant and having a child is definately never going to be wasting your life once he/she is here you will never look back.

As for that bloke !! what a to##er is all i have to say!

Hope you feel better soon and love to you and your l/o. x
thanks everyone... i no i shouldn't care about what others say, but im so emotional right now, it really hurts me. im feeling a whole lot better now, was good to get it all out.
i also no that my babys dad is a waste of space and isnt worth it but all i keep thinking is what do i tell him when hes older and he asks me where his daddy is... its me who has to do that and how can u tell a child tht there daddy doesnt care and never gave them a second thought?
i guess ill come 2 that when i have to.
thanks everyone 4 ur nice replies :) i dont no what id do if i didnt come on here!!
hayley xx
awww hun i am so sorry u had a bad day!!
and u are going to be a great mum to ur lil boy he is so lucky to have u!! men are arses if u ever need to tlk and i aint online txt me (soz if u text metoday still looking for fone again lol)

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