Just lost my job - Sorry its a long one


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Ive been having problems at work for ages now but today I was asked to leave!
*Sorry it may be hard to understand and goes on a bit :oops: *
All because:
Well this morning I had to leave work 15 mins after I arrived as Harrison had a temperature and my Mum (she looks after him when Im at work) said he still had it when I gave him to her this morning; Hes been getting alot of colds recently, one roughly every 3 weeks! so wanted to get him checked over. So my Mum rung me at work to ask me to take him to the doctors, I explained to my boss and she let me go, I had to take him to open access appointments at the hosp as they didn't have any available at the Docs, I ended up waiting 2hours to see the Doc who then told me Harrison has tonsilitus and an ear infection. I rushed back to my Mums and then back to work cause I had been so long I didn't want to get in anymore trouble (I had to have a disciplinar hearing the other week due to my time off sick; of which I provided doctors notes!) Got back to work and no one said anything. I realised at Lunchtime when my boss left me and the new girl alone that I wasn't going to be allowed a lunch! I txt my Mum in the snide to let her know and she offered to make me a sandwich, I said ok and said I would pick it up. Kaley arrived back from her lunch at 1:15pm and I said to her I'm going to my Mums to get a sandwich, she asked if I had asked my boss, I said no but I might not be allowed a lunch but she can't stop me from having something to eat, She said well you better speak to Mick then (Hes my other boss whos the mechanic side of things) I asked if I could get a sandwich and he said that was fine. I went to my Mums, got my sandwich, saw Harrison and he wasn't at all well!! but I had to got back to work. I was back at work no one was doing anything, Kaley told me what to do - she always does but shes not my boss! I ignored her, I rung Tim quickly as I wanted him to come home early to pick up Harrison. Kaley saw me and told Mick, I heard her slagging me off to I had a go at her (Shes always slagging me off and im fed up with it!) she told me Im taking the pi*ss by using my phone, I shouted at her thats I was asking Tim to come home to look after our Son, she said not to speak to her like that & then Mick came in and had words with me (Oh yeah its all my fault!) he said I should go home to look after Harrison, I said but Ive had so much time off sick I want to make up for it so Tims coming home, he said he was going to get Sally back blah blah blah........ cut it shorter My boss Sally came back & she asked me to leave, said shes been told im always on my fone - aload of bollo*ks and I have phone bills to prove Im not! and that if im not happy I should leave. Said I was taking the pee by having 2hrs this morning and then having to go now. She wanted me to write a letter to her saying I was leaving (I was planning on leaving on the 28th march anyways but nothing in writing yet) but I said no. I said Im entitled to have unpaid time off to look after my Son, she stuttered but nothing interesting came out and then she told me to 'GO'

So basically got sacked for going home to look after my Sick Son
That is dreadful!

Take it further as they surely can't do that!?

Big hugs too you :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like a really harsh day! I hope you're ok and your son is ok.

I don't know much about employment laws, but it does sound as if they are in the wrong and you could claim unfair dismissal, epsecially if you have phone records to prove yourself. I thought parents were entitiled to some time off if their child was ill? :think:
Infair dismissal.. speak to someone about it. Regardless of whether they have a reason to sack you they need to follow a procedure in order to do that. They can't just say off you go.. :?
You really do have a case for unfair dismissal if you are willing to chase it.

You cannot be sacked on the spot unless there is a reason for gross misconduct (making one phonecall to sort out arrangements for your sick son IS NOT). If there are problems with you being on the phone/ taking time off for sickness then you should have received oral and written warnings. You are allowed by law to take time off if your child is sick.

I think I remember it is only a small company you work for so you probably don't belong to a union, if you don't go to your local citizens advice. If you do want to take it further, as of now, start a log of any conversations you have with anyone at your work - what was said etc

Stuff like this makes me :evil:
how long have you worked there hun

dont agree to anything as yet speak to a solicitor.

If you have worked there for over a year you can claim for unfair dismissal.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

this is awful. I hope they don't get away with this hun......

:hug: :hug:
I don't have any suggestions but what they have done is unfair so fight your cause hun and have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Fluffy Bunny said:
You really do have a case for unfair dismissal if you are willing to chase it.

You cannot be sacked on the spot unless there is a reason for gross misconduct (making one phonecall to sort out arrangements for your sick son IS NOT). If there are problems with you being on the phone/ taking time off for sickness then you should have received oral and written warnings. You are allowed by law to take time off if your child is sick.

I think I remember it is only a small company you work for so you probably don't belong to a union, if you don't go to your local citizens advice. If you do want to take it further, as of now, start a log of any conversations you have with anyone at your work - what was said etc

Stuff like this makes me :evil:

Please do exactly that - that is unfair dismissal.....and as for asking you to write a letter to say you are leaving :roll: :x
Hi, they really can not do that, and even if they were going to sack you they cant just do it like that they have to follow procedures. Even if you haven't been there long you can still go through the courts under sexual discrimination.

I took my old employer to a tribunal, had only been there 3 months, and I won my case.

Go to CAB (they also have a web page) definitely a strong case!!!!

What a bunch of tw*ts!!!
They cant do that! I agree with the girls - persue this, they cannot sack you like that.Fuckers.
i know we are talking at moment but def take it further with your union thats so unfair but like i say good luck with applying for other jobs and they will all be queing up to hire you.

hope your ok now and sending hugs :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys! Im a member of the T&G union so will contacting my rep on Monday to see what he says and also my CAB.
I have only been there for 9 months as well :( Ive been applying for jobs, counted 25 so far and I got a few more I need to ring up Monday for application forms! So fingers crossed I wont be out of a job for too long!! :pray:
Aww that's so crap - I hope they don't think they're gonna get away with it :x

Hope you find something else soon :hug:
OMG hun, they are out of order. dont let them get away with it. Did they know you were planning to leave? :hug:
Princess_Puddles said:
Thanks guys! Im a member of the T&G union so will contacting my rep on Monday to see what he says

Thats great news, worth that monthly outgoing at times like this. Good luck :D Doesn't matter you've only been there 9mnths, you still have rights.
Hope it goes ok with the union rep.

That is definitely unfair dismissal; companies should follow a discipliary and grievance procedure; they can;t just sack you on the spot, unless it is gross misconduct (which this clearly wasn't).

I am so sorry hun and I hope you get a result!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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