Just looking for some reassurance!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Mhairi is 10 months old. She's about 19lbs. She sits up all day long, pulls her self up to stand, sits up from lying down and crawls about like a mad woman :D

So, and I feel stupid for asking this as I think I've just answered my own question, but, can I put her in her group 1 car seat?
hi hun :D what group 1 carseat have you got or looking at? mothercare have the britax si birth to 4 years for 100 quid and argos have a birth to 4 years for £31 a baby needs to be rear facing for as long as possible.. so if you havent got her a carseat yet maybe get a birth to 4 years group0+ as it is safer for them to rear face. i think group 0 go up to 13kg so if you have a group1 i would keep her rear facing untill she gets to the maximum weight.

hope this helps lol
I looked at the Which? site the other night and it recommends that you don't buy birth to 4 car seats as it says that they compromise on safety somewhere along the lines. (Sorry to anyone who has one, just thought I would let you know)

Lisa is right though, try to keep her rear facing for as long as poss.
Thanks Lis!
I've got a Maxi-Cosi Priori SP. She's in a M&P group 0 at the mo (backward facing). Her other gran has the Britax SI and I've had to change it to forward facing already as her long legs are cramped against the seat back. She fits all the criteria except for the weight one (and I've not weighed her in a few weeks, but can't go lift her out the cot just now! :lol: ).
although it looks uncomfortable.. i think their legs are supposed to stay squished up.. im going to hunt for the thread i asked aobut them.. there were some great links in there..

here it is xx viewtopic.php?f=36&t=86192
sass said:
I looked at the Which? site the other night and it recommends that you don't buy birth to 4 car seats as it says that they compromise on safety somewhere along the lines. (Sorry to anyone who has one, just thought I would let you know)

Lisa is right though, try to keep her rear facing for as long as poss.

I was looking into these seats. I'm interested in any information anyone has because my LO is now off the chart height wise and there is no way on this earth she will last in her Group 0 car seat beyond about 7 months and there's no way she'll be ready for forward facing. I don't have the money to go out and buy a bigger group 0/0+ car seat so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. :wall:

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